Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tickled PINK...

  May I get a drum roll...please ????  Here she is... the Apple iPhone 3 GS...not the Cadillac model that # 4 is maybe, but nonetheless....I purchased her this morning for the outrageous price of NINETY NINE CENTS,  people. Of course, I had to re-sell my soul to AT&T, but still...  lol

  I did actually answer a call today on it and send a text message.  It's a start.

  It has a weather app that follows me wherever I am and tells the temperatures there. Detailed weather reports too. It has google maps and mapquest and facebook and emails and games and a camera and ...lions and tigers and bears, O,MY!!  It has iTunes and Youtube,and clocks and calendars and newspapers and magazines and videos.  Can you bake a cherry pie?, Billy Boy, Billy Boy ??? Can you bake a cherry pie, charming Billy??  It can keep me from getting lost, it can keep me from getting lonely...it can help me remember, it can help me forget.  

 And I feel like a fookin' eejit with it.  I always said I would never have one of these...but then, I said I'd never have a dvd player either. lol   It's going to take a while to learn all the stuff, I know. And I will probably grow to love it. 



   All in all it was an interesting day. I rushed down to the store in a city about 35 minutes from here around 9:30 and got there just after they opened. I flounced through the double doors and said, dramatically,..."Hello boys!!  Grandma's here !!!   They all laughed and the young man who took care of me (Aaron) was a doll. He patiently explained everything to me and a couple of times I had to interrupt and say--hey, sonny--I was born in 1953, not 1853... 

  Come on, now.

  All in all, it was a good experience there and they were extremely helpful and I came home with a $375.00 phone that cost me .99  (How the heck can they POSSIBLY do that?????)  And I'm really tickled to use it and start figuring it all out.  I kept the boys laughing and a stranger came up and asked me if I liked Texas Roadhouse. I said, sure..and he gave me a card for a free appetizer.  I don't know who he was, an owner maybe...looked too old to be management.  And then Miss Roxie and I came home.


  I made a big skillet of bbq'd ribs for the Irishman for supper, with quinoa and a skillet of sauteed cabbage with shredded carrots and chives in it. It was awesome.

  Tomorrow I will make a pot of chili and some kind of a casserole so he'll have easy food while I'm gone. I also want to make him a couple of veggie burritos for Thursday after work...I won't be here, and he has a class, so needs some mobile food to go with him.

  Heck. I might even bake him a pie...I think I have an unbaked pumpkin one in the freezer, as well as an apple. That would be easy enough.  I have been invited over to my neighbors for breakfast in the morning and then need to pick up some pay and come home and get this house cleaned. I haven't really done a darned thing for several days...I'm pretty sure that if you looked under my dining room table, you find enough dog hair to build a Sheltie or two.  I do have the laundry all done and caught up. I need to pack and figure some things out and get ready for the southward trek.  I paid all the critical bills this afternoon.  

  Geez. I may actually be able to do this with a minimum of discomfort and madness.  LOL


  Well, I am tired and have to get up early for breakfast at the neighbors (8:30). Time to see about a little shuteye, and dream of Steve Jobs and Apples and confront my nightmares of being adrift in a sea of technology. 

  Wish me luck. 



  1. My son and DIL kept telling me for 2 years to get a smart phone or whatever this thing is. I could get it for free. I finally did and I love it. I still don't know how to do but a fraction of what it is capable of, but what I do use is cool and I like. What a shift!

    I never thought I'd own a cell phone at all or a DVD player, but they keep dragging me into the 21st century--LOL! ;)

  2. Nvm when I first got married in 1985, I swore I would never own a microwave... Who did I think I was that I couldn't take a minute to boil my water in the kettle on the stove top? Then it was DVD players... What's wrong with a VCR? Then it was cell phones... How important am I that need to able to be reached instantaneously and have a world of info at my finger tips..... Now I have them all and can't imagine life without them! Have fun with your new iPhone. I run my whole life from mine. Lol who do I think I am?!

  3. Nvm when I first got married in 1985, I swore I would never own a microwave... Who did I think I was that I couldn't take a minute to boil my water in the kettle on the stove top? Then it was DVD players... What's wrong with a VCR? Then it was cell phones... How important am I that need to able to be reached instantaneously and have a world of info at my finger tips..... Now I have them all and can't imagine life without them! Have fun with your new iPhone. I run my whole life from mine. Lol who do I think I am?!

  4. Oh my goodness I feel so out of it. I do wish you luck with that thing, but I know you'll catch on in now time and love it. Rita is right, advances in technology have a tendency to drag us along. Sometimes against our will, LOL.

  5. Oh, honey. You are so wired in now. Sister will never go back to old school. LOL.

    You have apps for just about anything you need now. Banking, yellow pages, favorite stores (Amazon, anyone??) Get yourself an adapter for your car and use it to play your iTunes selections or download Pandora for free (internet radio.) It really is a great phone. I have the same one as you and got it for next to free, too. That is the only way I would have done it.

    Getcha a good strong Otter Box to case it in. The one I have is so strong, I could chuck that phone at a wall and it wouldn't break.

    Enjoy, Lady!

  6. Well, congratulations! I still don't have an iPhone but I did order myself a new iPad. I miss that gadget incredibly. Soon a new one will make its way into my hot little hands.

    When I get a new phone, it will probably be an iPhone. I am just the teeniest bit envious. I look forward to hearing your take on it.

  7. Everybody I know with an iPhone loves it. I have an iPad which does alot but I haven't used it to its full capacity. My husband won it at an auction so I don't feel so bad about owning one. I think that is where I will draw the line though.
    However, I have a cell phone and a stand alone GPS and an ipad. All in one would keep me more organized!
    Have fun with this and a safe trip in case we don't hear from you till you get back.

  8. I had a cell phone with all of the bells and whistles through AT&T when I moved here last year. I rarely used it so I cancelled after 14 years with them and got a tracfone. If I were younger I would definitely go for the latest thing so go right ahead and enjoy it Annie. I am sure you will love it!

  9. I don't have an iPhone because we have a cellular carrier with month-to-month service rather than a contract, and they don't offer an iPhone.

    I do have an iPad, which I've heard described as "iPhone for old eyes - without the phone."

  10. The last thing I got for 99 cents was a pen so I heartily applaud you. ~Mary
