Saturday, January 21, 2012

Saturday in the Tundra...

Half heartedly looked for pictures of ice, ice storms, ice on the chicken coop...anything! But there was nothing I could fine that suited me.  LOL  I did not take any pictures yesterday or today.

   Got a call from MissB's niece this morning asking me about getting out and said it didn't look good over here. She said not at her place either. I got to stay home today with my Irishman. I got to stay in my pajamas ALL day and watch schmaltzy Hallmark Channel movies. He almost went outside to get the kerosene heater cleaned up and ready to use if needed, but he never made it.  (He even had his big mud boots on!) We had a late breakfast of home made buttermilk pancakes and eggs and hot dark chocolate.  Then about 3 we had a big bowl of popcorn.  Then at about 6 we had pizza and salad...with peach short cake for dessert.  It was an absolutely lazy day. 

  The movies we watched were all  a string of stuff all based on books written by someone named Janette Oke (Love Comes Softly)...about homesteaders in the late 1800's (I think)  and all about love and family values and God.  I told the Irishman that I was nearly family values saturated...but they were lovely movies.  (Probably not anything I would ever have watched unless we were having an Iced-in day ). And actually, it was really something, watching the trials they faced and the hard realities of living the homesteading life back then. 

  By dark, all the ice had melted off the roads and the temps actually came up to about 30. At one point , all the dogs were in the house but one, and when I went looking for her, I stepped out the back door and called her. Her location was given away by 2 male cats sitting in the yard and staring intently at the pond. Of course, it was the snow dog.

  You must know that one of my biggest fears here this time of year, is that one of the dogs will be traversing the icy pond and fall in and get caught under the ice and drown.  I called and called and she finally came dancing across the ice and got to the shore and came in. Her poor little pads were very cold and sore to touch, but she was thrilled with herself. at Honeysuckle Hill, we had a very atypical Saturday...lazy and homey and filled with love and cats and dogs.  Short posting tonight as I am very ready for bed (did NOT sleep well last night, tossed and turned all night.  I thought about doing laundry and a myriad of other things, but I didn't.  Just laid around and loved me some pups and loved that big old man of mine.

  Goodnight all...I'm heading for Dreamland....



  1. Saturday morning 3 am, Jan 21st, it was 68 degrees and I had to turn on the ac!

  2. Sleep tight Annie:)
    Glad you got to just chill out for once!

  3. What a perfect day for an ice storm! Staying inside, lots of companionship, movies, and good food. Nice!

  4. Sounds like my kind of day. Really. Who could ask for anything more than a good husband, dogs, and movies.

  5. Sounds like a wonderful day. Years ago I read all of those janette Oke books...I had my first baby and while I sat nursing him, I read through the whole set. Cheesy but sweet. :o)

    Bless you today Annie.

  6. YUMM!! i like what you all had to eat today!!

    I watched the Drew Peterson movie on TV. He is one horse's ass and I don't think Stacy Peterson's body will ever be found.

    I hope you have a restful night tonight.

  7. What a perfect snow day!! Sounds delightful and delicious! What more could anyone ask for? :)
