Sunday, January 29, 2012

A glass of mango/guava juice...and thou...

 . Or something.  Read about the antibiotic I am taking and it said to stay away from caffeine..this right after I made a pitcher of green tea/earl grey for iced tea. Sigh..the bright side is all it said was that it would intensify the effects. lol. (Like that's a bad thing)...  Also supposed to stay out of sunlight. It's Cipro--isn't that the stuff they give to people exposed to Anthrax and the Bird Flu ?????  Crikey.

     Got some chicken thighs in the microwave thawing. The Irishman would like lemon chicken for his Sunday dinner, and I thought I still had some boneless/skinless breasts in there somewhere, but I can't locate them. Just as well. This package of thighs has been in there almost a year. (oops).  It'll work. I'll marinate them in some lemon juice and bake them, I think, and then make a lemon sauce to go on them atop a bed of Jasmine rice. (Can you tell I'm feeling better???)  

  It's been an emotional morning here for me. I got a text this morning from a friend telling me that another friend of ours is at St Louis University Hospital on life support.  He is about my age (might be a little younger) and sober a lot of years. He was involved in a semi crash a few weeks ago and was almost ready to return to work.  Apparently on Saturday night there was some kind of altercation and a stand-off at his place of work. He left there (I think) and went to his house, where he doused the place in gasoline and tried to burn it down. When it didn't burn, he shot himself in the head. He is on life support, last word, but not expected to live.  And I just can't imagine.... he has always been a loner, something that probably happens when you're a long distance trucker. But every time I saw him, he always had a smile and a kind word. He SEEMED okay. I don't know what happens to make a person feel they have no other option besides killing themselves. I think about how lonely and hopeless that place must be, and it breaks my heart. And I am as guilty as anyone for not knowing what's been going on with him, calling him, making sure he knew that somebody, anybody, cared.  It is absolutely tragic.

   It is a gorgeous January day outside. Must be at least 45 degrees.  This next week they're predicting temps in the 50's and 60's. Hell, I may as well plant some spinach. lol  One of the worst windier storms we had tore up the plastic on our greenhouse, so I can't plant anything there. But we could put some cold frames over a bed, couldn't we? (And by WE, of course I mean my husband). lol  And if we do that, we could plant some other things too. I was just out back, emptying my compost bucket and gathering eggs, and I stopped by the kale bed, which is still doing pretty well, everything considered.  I plucked a small new-ish leaf and popped it into my mouth, and was blissed out by the sweetness of it.  In January. Ahhhhhh......

  Well, I'd better get in the kitchen and get that marinade started.  I've folded a load of laundry and am taking it slow and easy today. I did a little cleaning yesterday (Thanks anyway, Kristen!!  xoxoxo) and a little laundry and was worn out by the time it was over. Spent the rest of the afternoon watching The Vicar of Dibley --from a boxed set I got us for Xmas a couple of years ago. It was awesome.

  Hope everyone is well and happy...and don't forget to pay attention to the people in your life. If they're needing a friend, or an ear, or a shoulder...make sure they have one.  If all of us let the people we know that we care--that we're here for them--maybe tragedies like my friend Roger can be averted.

    It can't hurt to try.



  1. Glad you are feeling better. Cipro is what I take for diverticulosis.

    Sorry to hear about your friend. Life was too much for him.

    Hope your day turns happy and you settle into a quiet peaceful evening.

  2. Thanks day is happy enough...just tinged with sadness...

    Do you have much problem with the Cipro?

  3. Cipro is the master of all antibiotics so you must have been pretty sick for the doctor to prescribe it for you. I am glad you are feeling better!

    Sad that you friend felt there was no other way out. When I feel that depressed I think of my kids having to deal with it and that stops me cold.

  4. I know that when I had bronchitis I had to avoid all caffeine in general and that didn't have to do with the antibiotics. I think it had to do with dehydration.

    I'm very sorry to hear about your friend. Its a shame. I don't know if I've been that depressed in my life so I can't relate to what he went through which doesn't mean that I don't feel his pain. Please don't beat yourself up about this.

  5. Glad you're feeling better...and cooking. Then we know you're feeling back on track--LOL!

    So, so sad about your friend. We never really know what is in the heart of another. The dead of night thinking. Most people keep something to themselves and some keep a lot. Even if you had been talking to him and even asking, he may never have told you anything. So very sad. How hopeless he must have felt. Such pain. You are so right. Reach out, listen, look closely, share, there for someone. :)

    I'm having fake chicken (Quorn) stir fry on jasmine rice! Happy Sunday dinner, Annie! :):)

  6. Cipro is the mother of all antibiotics - by that I mean, it's about as strong as you can get. I do hope it does the trick for you and you start feeling better soon. So sorry about your friend. It must have had some unknown demons pushing him over the edge. What a shame.

  7. Please watch your tendons (particularly Achilles) while on Cipro.

  8. See, this is how I think the world works Annie. Get yourself well and then call the doctor and tell him you're still sick and then stash the new script for Cipro for when that days comes and they sprinkle Anthrax all about. No?

  9. I have never taken Cipro but from the comments, I hope I won't have to. Sometimes it's impossible to put myself in the frame of mind that causes someone to take his or her own life. I've lost a few and had many regrets that maybe I could have helped. It makes my heart sad for your friend.

    But I am also very glad to hear you are feeling so much better that you are cooking! With verve and feeling, even!

  10. Hope you feel better soon my dearest friend -- that lemon chicken sounds delicious.

    So sad to get to that place, the rage and despair. He is in my thoughts.

  11. Sorry about Roger. We never really know what's going on inside of people.

    I hope he finds peace wherever he's off to next.

    Hang in there.
