Thursday, December 1, 2011

And so begins December...

  The world is my classroom....


  It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. About 50 degrees out there and sunny as all get out. I am doing laundry and going to bathe the Honey Badger. I just finished blanching and freezing 6 quarts of Brussels Sprouts that I picked up at a little nursery/produce market the next town over.  I love those things. I'm going to make a recipe to go with dinner that is caramelized onions, garlic and Brussels Sprouts...and maybe the Irishman will try them and come to love them as well.  Maybe.  And if he doesn't, well then....more for me.  Bahahahahahahahaha......


  I found a nice piece of material with which to make the Irishman's shirt today. It's a soft medium brown stuff--got it at a thrift store.  I'm gonna give it the old college try.  I didn't find much of anything else and so I came on home. My pecans arrived that I ordered from my neighbors church. The dogs are out basking in the sun. All is right with the world. I could use a nap. Was up at zero dark thirty and didn't go to bed until almost 2 AM...foolish girl...


  Slept over 2 hours.  I did some laundry, cooked a magnificent supper, went to a women's meeting, and now I'm back home again.  It's getting cold outside and I'm ready to snuggle in for a nice long evening. I'm in my flannel jammies with my aqua blue fleece housecoat and my fuzzy socks,  and ready to go. lol  The Irishman is watching one of the National Treasure movies and the dogs are in various sleeping/playing poses around the living room. I had hoped to get the Honey Badger bathed today, but it'll have to wait until tomorrow. She needs a good going over, ears cleaned and scrubbed up good.  She's going to love it, you can bet.  *grin


  My friend is in the hospital in Florida, suffering from a variety of age/tobacco maladies. God bless her...I hope she's going to be okay.  She called an ambulance the day after Thanksgiving because she couldn't breathe. Apparently she'd been having  problems for awhile, and kept ignoring it and hoping it would go away.  Typical.  lol  I've been talking with her daughter and she's keeping me updated. It's making me think long and hard about the stuff that's going on with me...heart racing, a little short of breath and extremely tired.  Damn. Getting old ain't for sissies, as a friend of mine always says.


  Well, I'm gonna go hang with my baby and turn off this computer and try to get to bed at a decent hour. 

What'da ya think??  It could happen.....



  1. namaste, dear Sis

    Aloha from Waikiki

    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


    < ° ) } } > <

  2. Sleep, dream... all will be well.

    My favorite way to have brussels sprouts is steamed, then sauteed in butter with a little maple syrup and toasted walnuts. Mmm..... although caramelized onions sound tasty as well.

  3. Our friend in Florida is much on my mind right now -- thanks for your update yesterday. Please take care of yourself this winter and rest more, won't you?

  4. I really don't think you have much chance of getting to bed early, with all you manage to cram into each day! Those brussels sprouts sure sound good to a BS lover... :-)

  5. Annie, you are an inspiration to me!!
    with all that you accomplish.

    As for the racing heart, etc., please don't end up like me. Make a doctor appointment for a thorough checkup. PLEASE!!

  6. If I did all that you did in a day, my heart would be racing too, but I agree with Beth who post just above me-please go get that checked out!
    We just made Brussel Sprouts baked with olive oil and Parmesan cheese and I think honey. I lost the recipe but it was good!

  7. Namaste, dear Cloudia! Thinking of your Hawaii on this cold morning...

    Judy--Mmm- that does sound good. I threw a few carrots in too, just because caramelized onions and carrots make sweet magic...

    Mary--love you. I should get another call/update today...I am trying to take care,....thanks!

    LOL--DJan--it was midnight. The Irishman even liked the was a miracle!

    Beth--I will. It doesn't happen but once in a while...The last time I thought I had a problem a cardiac workup showed no problem...but that's been almost 8 years ago now. Guess I should call a doc.... :(

  8. Mmm...Linda--that sounds really good too. much good food, so little time!!

    Thanks for your concern everyone....

  9. sprouts! They sound delicious.

    A girl from high school who's smoked all these years was in the hospital or assisted living...back and forth...this past year. Only 61. We write letters. Last I heard her sister called to tell me she was in the hospital again on a vent. I've heard nothing in two weeks. Ain't for sissies. True dat!

    I hope the soft brown fabric works well and that you got some sleep. :)

  10. Sorry about your friend.

    Sleep well.
