Sunday, November 27, 2011

Late night ramblings...

It's Sunday night--oops. Monday morning, technically. I am tired and should be in bed, but I started reading blogs and now I'm awake enough to stay here in this chair being annoyed by this damn fly that keeps crawling over my monitor. A fly.  In late November. Hrrrmmppphhhh.  Unheard of.

 I like this.  I seized the opportunity to can some pinto beans (6 quarts, to be exact) yesterday.  Looking at the jars, they look awfully dry, like the beans soaked up ALL the liquid in there.  I swear--I followed directions this time. I don't usually, but I have never canned dried beans before.  I soaked them for about 10 hours too. We'll see how they are, I guess. I wanted to can another batch of pints too, but....maybe on Tuesday I'll be brave enough to try it again.

  It's been a slow and  quiet couple of days since the end of Thanksgiving. I have puttered around and not done much of anything. Hurray for me!  lol I almost vacuumed this morning, but decided to let it wait until Monday morning. Instead, I watched the Sunday Morning Show and played on the computer for a couple of hours before going to MissB's.  The Irishman was back home from his meeting by lunchtime, so we ate up some leftovers in the form of a hot turkey sandwich...turkey layered on stuffing and covered in gravy, with cranberry sauce on the side. It was good and filling, and a nice touch of comfort food on a cold and rainy day. The weather never did clear up and  temps tonight are down in the low 30's and moving into the mid to high 20's the next few days. If the weather service is to be believed, it appears we are finally moving into some more typical late November weather.
    We have a Jack Russell Terrorist with a tummy ache tonight... seems the Irishman took her to the reservoir and let her run and she found something nasty to chew on. He never learns...

   This morning he opened the fridge and our quart jar of popcorn fell out and broke. So I spent a portion of my early morning vacuuming anyway.  A post feast problem...too much food and too little room. lol  I think I may be out of popcorn now.  THAT is a disaster in this house.

   I think I'll spend tomorrow cleaning out the fridge and relegating stuff to the compost bin.  I'm  SURE there's stuff in there that needs to go. Not my favorite job, certainly, but one of those ones like cleaning toilets that you have to do if you want to stay in your house. I try to be careful about how I cook, and it's only the two of us, but this just gets like this from time to time, no matter what.  Are there people out there whose refrigerators are always spotless? That never have icky science project type foods in them?  Not at my house.  lol

  This weather is bringing me a lot of achy joints and neck pain. I might actually be calling a chiropractor tomorrow morning. I got word that my favorite chiro in the world is winding his business down, and only opening 3 days a week now. sigh...You could barely get in to see the dear man when he was open 5 days... I am feeling really tired of feeling crappy, and some days can barely walk. I am going to get this darn MRI soon on this knee and see if there's something can be done. I'm only [almost] 59 years old, but if it's time for a knee replacement, then I have to get one. I tell everyone it's an old rugby injury. (Most of them believe me without question).  LOL
    Alright. I need to go to bed, it's after 1:30 AM .  I'll be up early probably, and I need some sleep. One of my cats just went out, against my advice, and one came back in.  Bella came in and wanted to get in her kennel and go to sleep. I checked the furnace because it felt cool to me, and the damn thermostat has reset itself again and was set at 60, so I jockeyed it back up to 69 and it's running like it's supposed to and warming the house considerably. It's one of those programmable ones and we have never figured it out. But it will run along just fine for weeks and weeks, and suddenly start resetting the temperature. arrgghhh...

  Sweet dreams all...



  1. Hope by the time you read this you had a great night's sleep. My hubby is always cleaning out the stuff in the fridge. I think at some time in the past something in there grew out of control and now he's ever vigilant. That means I don't have to worry. If I forget something he knows I like, he moves it to the front. And if I still don't pay attention, he puts a note with a smiley on it to remind me. :-)

  2. I have strange stuff in my refrigerator, too.

    I hope your Monday treats you well, A. You deserve a good one. We all do ;)

  3. Good Morning Annie,

    You are just too busy, you wear me out. ;-) I am sure the beans will turn out OK.

    When you are finished, my fridge could use a good cleaning.

  4. Morning, glories...

    DJan--Your hubby is a prince! Mine just shuffles stuff around, or knocks it on the floor and breaks it. (kidding)

    Kristin--Good to know I am not alone. *grin I was up before the garbage truck came. So that's a good start to a Monday, since the Irishman forgot to haul the can to the road. :)

    Beth: Give me your address. I can be a fridge cleaning fool sometimes. It's not THAT far to your hope the beans turn out well. It seemed like such a good convenient idea to have them cooked and on hand...

  5. Be careful with the knee replacement thing. I had been thinking about it and then started talking to people who have had one. One guy even told me he would rather end up in a wheelchair than have a knee replacement. This was after watching his wife go through months of pain due to an infection and she ended up having three surgeries.
    Hope you got a good night's sleep.

  6. My dad just had a hip replacement at 90 years old and is doing well. Thrilled already because he didn't want to end up in a wheelchair and can walk without that horrible sharp pain anymore. He's still using a walker, but hoping to be walking without one before Christmas.

    I live alone, so I pretty much know what I have in the frig but, even so, on occasion something gets lost in the bottom back or in a bin for too long--LOL!

    I'm glad you took some time off, which for you means you were busier than I am on a busy day. ;) I hope you aren't so achey and the thermostat poltergeists leave that darn thing alone! ;)

  7. If you need knee replacement don't wait! My mom waited out of fear of surgery and ended up destroying her other knee through overcompensation. She finally had to have both replaced at the same time-neither knee would support her while the other healed.
    I hope you did get a good nights rest. You do so much in a day-you need the rest.
