Saturday, October 29, 2011

The St Louis Cardinals are the World Series Champs!! (even though the whole world doesn't get to play--we don't care)

...and believe we did.....and win they did!!!


  And thank God THAT'S over for another year. The 6th game , that was a very important one, ran into 11 innings and wasn't over til after midnight. You know those ballplayers were running on adrenaline last night, when they beat the Texas Rangers 6-2.  It was a thing of beauty. I wish my dear old dad had been around to see it--he was a diehard Cards fan.  

 We're not real big on sports in this house. We watch my husbands Packers play now and again...and we might catch something here or there, but mostly...well, NOT. I think he does secretly watch hockey when I'm not home, but if I catch him at it, he acts like it's no big deal.  But we do watch the Super Bowl, or at least some of it. This time we watched the playoffs as well as all 7 games of the series itself. 


  I'm having a bit of a domestic engineering day here. The husband and son are finishing the demolition job they started yesterday on the old 1975 pop-up camper that is made almost entirely of metal. The canvas was shot (rotted--for godssakes, it's 36 years old!!!)  and you can buy new canvas for them, but it's about 1500.00 which is ridiculous, since we paid 300 dollars for the darned thing. lol  We got a few good years of camping out of it, and I mended and patched it as much as I could until it was just beyond repair. So...bye-bye.  And of  course the male members are suited to tearing things apart and up and they're in hog heaven. lol  Yesterdays work netted them about 80 bucks at the scrap yard which they split. They were both happy as clams.

  We went out for Indian food last night and had a nice dinner of prawn masala and a chicken coconut curry and basmati rice.  Lots of garlic naan and Daal and it was wonderful, as usual.  We went b y our [sort of] local health food store, a great place called Green Earth Grocery and I picked up some baking yeast and spices and a block of tofu...then we went to Mr. Curry's for supper and home to watch the game.  Date night for old people.  lol

  Tonight and tomorrow night I will be staying the night at MissB's. Not looking forward to it particularly, but blessed with the extra money right now. Tomorrow we will go to a lunch at noon for a friends 40th surprise birthday luncheon...hope I am functioning.  I usually can sleep some at her house, but you never know what kind of night she will have. Hopefully it will all go without a hitch.

  Thanks everyone for your kind words regarding my little emotional storm the other night. I did look at obits from his local newspaper, but found nothing. Might look again today. It is what it is and I know that these connections are strong enough to withstand distance and time and situations. And Murr--you're right. They do come and go.

  We had a light frost this morning--cold when I got up. I think it's supposed to warm back up again the next few days. I was thinking since the boys are out working maybe I'd make that potato soup I never got around to yet... mostly because it's quick and easy....

*~*~*~*~Okay. The soup is on, the compost bucket emptied. The floors are as done as they're gonna get today.  Laundry in the dryer is about ready to come out and the washer has stopped. One more load of his nasty work clothes, which will probably wait until tomorrow when I have the clothes he has on now. Gonna straighten up the couches and chairs slipcovers' and call it a day.

  It's a really beautiful fall day out there, 57 degrees and sunny.  High of 61 today.  Think I'll go back out to the garden and pick some more green beans and peas.  

  BTW--Anybody ever freeze greens?? I have some beautiful turnip greens that need to come out of the ground soon and hate to not be able to use all those greens. The chickens will love some and the compost will love some...but I love some too!!!!   lol

   Have a grand day. I plan to....



  1. I bought frozen greens and the were very good.

  2. Thanks Sandra...I'm going to do that I think. And maybe dry a bit of kale too...hope life is good for you in sunny Florida....xoxoxox

  3. I was on the edge of my seat all during the game last night. Way to go Cards!!

    I had this urge to see if I could find out what happened to an old boyfriend a few months ago. I found him alright, his obit from last October.

  4. I don't watch any sports, but I'm happy you're happy. ;)
    Bye-bye to the camper. I hope they get every bit of cash they can out of it before all is said and done.
    I had to google naan and daal--LOL! Both sound good! so does the potato soup, for that matter. :)
    I hope you get some sleep at MissB's and have fun at the surprise party.

  5. I think I'm a bit late getting in here. I hope your day went hitchless. Big hug to you...

  6. Not really a baseball fan but congratulations on the big win! I heard the last two games were exciting for Cardinal fans!

  7. I don't watch sports either, but I did see the movie "Moneyball" and understand how people can get caught up in them.

    I always love your posts because I feel like I'm talking to you on the phone, catching up on the latest at the farm.

  8. Wow, there's a few of us "not sports watchers" here with you Annie. As was already said, I'm happy you're happy. The weather is the same here--beautiful! Have a good afternoon.
