Saturday, October 15, 2011

A slow Saturday

  I liked this, and cannot remember where it came from. The hidden mysteries of the


  I cannot believe it is mid October already.  The leaves are falling so fast suddenly that I can't keep my porch swept. And both porches come directly into the house, so that means I can't keep my floors clean either. Sigh...the trials and tribulations of the modern day house frau...

  My husband has gone Trout  Fishing in America today (sorry--couldn't help it.  :)   Ah, my misspent youth...San Francisco,  City Lights, Richard Brautigan.)  At any rate, one of the local state park lakes stocks it with trout on October 12th and then opens it for a mad day of trout fishing for the weekend.  Apparently these illegal immigrant trout cannot really live in this lake for some reason, so they bus them in and  it's an executionary free-for-all. But the men get all riled up about it, and grab their gear and go. Reminds me (again--misspent youth) of opening day of salmon season on the wild and beautiful Klamath River, where the city men come and line up, shoulder to shoulder, at the mouth of the Klamath to fish their brains out for a day or so.  It's apparently a short, white-man window.  The Klamath Indians can fish whenever : Yuroks, Pomos, Hoopas and Karoks.  It must drive them mad. All the garbage you KNOW those men leave behind, and just the matter of having to tolerate them in general. However. That said, I'm sure they make a lot of money off them while they're there, and that is probably some small solace.

  Do I sound snarky today?  I probably am. I went to the movies (the little retro Canna Theater in Gillespie, IL...where 5 dollars gets you admission, popcorn AND a drink!) and saw The Help.  It was wonderful and horrible and always always...those subjects make me gnash my teeth and bellow like a mad cow.  It reminded me of my ex-husband and his college friends making a trip from California to Jackson, Mississippi when Medgar Evers was murdered, and so (naturally) I dreamt of him all night. (the ex, not ME).  They marched with Dr. King and did all kinds of wonderfully scary stuff, registering black voters, sitting in coloreds only sections, all that stuff that we used to be wont to do when we were young  idealists.  When I first met him (he's 10 years older than I am)  I was mesmerized by his stories and his values and his sense of social justice.  I was crazy about him.  I still am.

 Anyway.  The movie made me laugh and cry and be ashamed and be proud. Can't ask for much more than that from a movie....entertaining from start to finish.  Now I have to buy the book.  lol

  It has been busy around here the past few days. My bouncing baby boy came on Thursday and ripped out the decomposing parquet floor in my laundry room, and the sub-floor as well. He replaced it all with new wood and new vinyl and is coming back Monday to cut out and replace a panel of sheet rock on the wall so I can finish painting the room. He had to move the washer and dryer out of there, which was a helluva job that he pulled off with panache. He's really something, that kid. He's going to bring new trim to put around the baseboard and door too. I found a piece of vinyl that was a cream and coffee colored medium brown with a diamond design. I went paint hunting (in my garage) to see what I had as I didn't want to spend more money on paint if I didn't have to. I found about a quarter of a bucket of a peachy tan, a third of a bucket of a Killz buttercup yellow, and almost a full bucket of my Tuscany brown that I used on the doors in my living room. So, of course, I mixed the yellow and the tan together and put the Tuscany in a ladle full at a time, until it achieved a rich caramel color that went well with the vinyl.  My husband just watched and kept shaking his head....This room is going to look great once it's all finished. 

  I'm finishing up laundry this morning. I got all my stuff and recipes sent off to the publisher of the booklet for my soup workshop. I was supposed to go to a book club this morning, but it ain't happening. maybe next time.  I've got some leftover pork roast from Thursday night that I'm going to shred and some homemade bbq sauce that I'm going to soak it in, and we're gonna have some bbq sandwiches on homemade hamburger buns for lunch. Well, I am anyway. They might be his supper. Whatever. God only knows how Trout Fishing in America is going... hopefully we'll wind up with some lovely fish for the freezer. He had to buy an extra 6 dollar trout stamp to fish this...he'd better make it pay for itself.  LOL

  Yesterday he celebrated 31 years of living a clean and sober life.  He was only 20 when he was tossed into a rehab from the Marine base. (You do the math).  He wanted Mexican for supper and a movie, so we went. We try to make Friday a kind of a date night...our hours conflict a lot and it's nice.  I love this man. I am blessed.

   Okay-the dryer stopped and I ate a bowl of oatmeal with raisins and a spoonful of peanut butter in it, and I've had some coffee and I guess it's time to get dressed.  Woke up to about 40 degrees this morning...I guess autumn is really here.. At last.  

    Have a great weekend. Choose Love.




  1. Oh yes, I do choose LOVE. And I loved this post, all of it, including the reminder of Trout Fishing in America and Richard Brautigan. Have a great weekend, Annie. You just started mine out with a bang! :-)

  2. As far as that top photo and quote go: he can softly restore me by night anytime. :0

    Love this post. You make everything sound fun.

  3. I meant to add: an ex who marched and did the right thing down in the south during those times... I bet there are some great stories there.... Interesting times that I'm still drawn to reading about. Mississippi Burning is one of my favorite movies.

    There, I think I'm done now.

  4. Great quote/saying. Trout Fishing in America...never knew of it. The things we do as a species is a constant source of amazement--good and bad. Speaking of... The Help (which I want to see) and the days of Dr. King and Medger Evers. I would have been entranced by a man who had those tales to tell in the 60s and 70s. I don't think your youth was misspent! ;)

    Your son is quite the whiz when it comes to work around the house!! And the color you mixed sounds perfect to me. So does Friday night being date night. :)

    Have a great weekend!!

  5. Did you ever see "A River Runs Through It" -- good movie about fly fishing.

    I lived in San Francisco in 1973-75 and then out on Russian River until 1977. Were you around those parts in those days by any chance. It sounds like you were more up north though.

  6. I will, indeed, choose love. You have yourself a super weekend and I'll check back you, 'kay?

  7. Great post, as usual, like a cake recipe, different ingredients, whips up to a wonderfully fun post.

    Glad the room is coming together.

    Thank you, for sharing.

    Happy weekend to you too.

  8. Thanks DJan...we can all use a little bang! from time to time. lol

    Teresa--I know, right?? I have a thing for Native men yes...great stories, for sure.

    Thanks Rita--check out Brautigan. He's something else. And I am lucky. That boy is something else too...he is good with his hands, he writes and plays music, he draws and paints..and he has a really good heart. I'm sop proud of the man he grew into...

    RJ--Yes, Yes and Yes!!! I got to California in 1975-6...spent lots of time in Guerneville and Garberville and the Calistoga/Napa Valley area. I moved up to Arcata the last 10 years I lived in CA...

    Hi Kristin!! How's the G.C.P. ????Hope your weekend is awesome.

    WM--I had to laugh. The boy says "My God, mom! You wouldn't believe all the nasty crap behind that washing machine!" I said--I know, it was here when we bought the place and I've never moved it. He says "Well, I'm putting them both on sliders so you can easily pull them out and clean back there." I looked at him deadpan and sarcastically said..."Gee. Thanks. Like I don't have enough to clean." He didn't miss a beat. "You're welcome."

  9. Congratulations to The Man. The ex sounds good too.

  10. I enjoyed reading this.

    Happy Autumn!

  11. My sister has been raving about The Help. She saw the movie first and then read the book. I think I will have to download it to my Nook.
    You sound so busy, reminds me of myself at your age.
    Good to stay in love with your husband. I loved my husband until his last breath, still do.

  12. I will also choose love! Thanks for this reminder. Congrats to your husband for 30 years sober too. Thats amazing.
    I grew up in San Francisco itself-Sunset District.I've not been back in about 5 years but its still the Motherland to me:)

  13. I don't consider anything that happens in San Francisco "misspent":)
