Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Independence Days

O. M. G.

  I am loving this new book by Sharon Astyk, called Independence Days: A Guide to Sustainable Food Storage & Preservation.

I'm only about 20 pages into it, and am smitten already.  Absolutely recommend it to anyone who tries to live this life...and especially anyone who doesn't.

  It's a little warmer today because there are storms lurking about. Maybe not even storms, but certainly rain showers. I took my morning trek around the old homestead and saw that the purple asters I planted a couple of years ago have gone wild...they're all over the rock wall base, coming up in between the spent irises. I have some green beans flowering like mad and picked some kale and turnip greens to feed to the girls love them some greens! There are more jalapenos to pick and a late batch of small, but ripe, red peppers.  And lots of green tomatoes...thinking about picking some and frying them up for my lunch

  I have some bratwurst getting thawed from the freezer and will open some kraut that I made last year and mash some potatoes from this years garden, and call it the Irishman's supper. I make a small batch of sauteed kale and turnip greens, with some garlic, olive oil and the tiniest slivers of onions. A little sea salt and some fresh cracked black pepper and it'll be good to go. I'm kinda hungry too...I had coffee, but no breakfast. Slept late because I was up WAY too late playing scrabble online with a friend. So...oh well. It's a lazy kind of a day, and I don't care if I get much accomplished today or not.

  Decided to have a peanut butter sandwich and a glass of milk for brunch, lol. My stomach was growling something fierce... I am not a milk drinker normally.But there are 2 things that I have to have milk with, and those are  peanut butter sandwiches and Oreo cookies.  I have decided to get back on track with my bread baking again. I kinda stopped in the summer, as I usually do because the gardening and canning take up most of my kitchen. And honestly, now that it's getting cooler again, the thought of fresh baked bread really appeals to me. But I think I'm going to leave the bread machine in the closet and get back to making artisan-type breads by hand.  I have always loved to make awakens some primal satisfaction in me...and until a couple of years ago, I had never used a bread machine. I had one, compliments of my dear husband who got me one for Xmas one year, but I never used it.  I couldn't imagine why he would even think I would want one, when he knew how much I loved baking bread, lol.  But...his man-brain didn't make that connection at all...and he thought he was making my life so much easier. (And probably that I would make him even MORE bread...that guy loves his bread!!)

  Okay. I had better get busy and cook those brats and pick those greens and get myself dressed. I am LOVING this blue robe/gown I bought at a thrift store yesterday...I was out searching for jeans for my husband--he gets all his pants at thrift stores because his work just destroys them anyway.  I found a powder blue Croft and Barrow soft fleece front zippered robe...and having been wearing it all morning/night...yes--even out traipsing through the yards.  I'm hesitant to take it

  It's Wednesday.  one more day for me to go into town and then 2 days off. On Saturday I'm teaching a canning workshop from 1-5 and then I'm home again.  Life is good...





  1. Do you follow Sharon's blogs? For a long time she hosted the Independence Days Challenge that I found really inspiring. There is a link in my side bar.

  2. I love Sharon Astyks work. Like Judy (fullfreezer) already said, there is the Independence Day Challenge which I found extremely helpful when starting out my food storage.
    I'm also with you about bread machines. LOL! I bought one from a infomercial that came with a complimentary juicer too. I didn't like either. The hand made bread process is very meditative to me.

  3. I'm going to make bread during the cooler weather, too. Nothing like home made bread. With strawberry jam. Unfortunately.

    Woman, you tire me out just reading about your life. My mother always said, "Busy people are happy people." I think she had a point.

    I, too, go into the yard in a night gown and robe. Don't tell anyone, but I've been known to wear them til noon when I start writing. ;)

  4. I haven't made homemade bread for many years. No reason now with only me here as a loaf of bread does me about 3 weeks.

    You are a very busy lady. I admire you for that.

    I love shopping at thrift stores. The only one here in town is the Goodwill store.

  5. Thanks for the welcome back. I don't think that I will be doing Nano this year, well I don't know. I need to stay OUT of the story so much personally that I think building a 50K story tortures me unnecessarily. Although my ego finds it tempting.

  6. My father made bread every day and raised bees. I think I will start soon also. After all, with a loaf of bread costing $4, why not?

    I seldom get dressed before noon and don't think it matters really. It's not like I'm sleeping until noon.

  7. Judy--No, I don't. Do you have the url's for them....I'd love to!!

    LindaM-- I need to check that out. I remember reading about it on Judy's blog....I agree about the meditative process--kinda like doing dishes as well.

    I won't tell a soul, Teresa Evangeline. lol I'm going to start a loaf this morning, since I'm going to be in the kitchen anyway. :)

    Beth--I love Thrift Stores too, and it seems like there has been a decline in the number of them around these parts too. We still have a couple of good ones though. Somebody told me there were some great ones in Springfield...maybe we should meet for lunch there one day and have an adventure!

    Carol- It is so good to see you. And I know what you mean, but I think part of me loves the idea that I'm becoming minimally disciplined enough to actually finish it...

    Rubye Jack- I hear ya, sister. We hope to get our hives set up next year (we've been saying that for 3 years now, and there they set, in the garage. But I LOVED having our own honey. I love the idea of your dad making bread....and the cost is ridiculous. SO--off I go.

  8. Your autumn garden sounds wonderful. I am going to see if I can find more about Sharon Astyk online.

  9. I had a robe once that I just loved that I got at a thrift store. Maybe it's the same one! No, I doubt that, it was worn out when I finally sent it to the Good Will. Your days will always be full, it seems, Annie. I love the smell of bread baking in the oven and used to make it too.

  10. Oreos, peanut butter and milk... yummy! In fact, now that I think of it, they may be good as a unit! hee hee!

  11. Sounds like a excellent book.

    Wearing long, loose nightgowns or robes make me feel quite monkish. Love that swish. Hate to take them off, too.

    I used to make my own bread quite often for decades until I hurt my left arm at a job and kneading got painful. I still can make dough in my KitchenAid mixer or my Cuisinart, but I seldom do because I miss the tactile experience of making bread. Kind of dumb. Nothing compares to the scent in your kitchen or comforts those taste buds like butter melting into warm bread. Hummm...I think this place needs some bread smell this fall. Thanks! :):)

    Have fun with the canning class!

  12. Life is good, kale and green beans are good, and I love the gnome.
