Wednesday, June 29, 2011

To sleep, perchance to dream...

  Mornings, I worship at the church of the fresh

   Aw, it was a busy morning and a longish day and now I'm ready to hang up my spurs and go to bed. I am about ready to can chicken in the morning, after making a trip to town to pick up a new lightbulb for the aquarium and some canning lids. I do need to check my stash before I leave and see just how much I actually have. lol  I have 25 pounds of chicken breasts to can.

 Today was one of those days where I did some very local shopping and felt damn good about it. I like to support the locals whenever I can and today was it. I bought local produce twice, from 2 different guys. And I bought 2 beautiful big spider plants to hang on my front porch from a roadside vendor as well. AND I bought some meat and other odds and ends from my little favorite market, Pappy's. I went to the bank and I paid some bills, and that pretty much ate up my morning. Had a nice chat with the neighbor who came by to bring me the editorial page of the local newspaper, where my husband had written a letter about recycling on behalf of our chapter of the Sierra Club. 

  Then it was off to my visit with MissB...last one for a couple of days. Got several phone calls and lots of  pages of my book read. It was relatively quiet and uneventful stay today.  Thank Goodness.

   It seems that the deer returned and finished stripping down the edamame last night. The Irishman also found a couple of apples that had been chewed under the tree. Arrgghhh.....

  And with that report, I shall go outside and check the backyard before I head for bed. Not that I think it will do any good, but....

  Sleep well, friends....



  1. Sounds like a perfect day to me!! I hope you slept well and the deer didn't return. ;)

  2. *esp. all that shopping, right Rita ?? LOL

  3. I want to hang out at your place for a while. It sounds comfortable and friendly.

  4. C'mon down, Kristen. It's a dusty road and a mellow place...

    And all are welcome. Mostly. lol

  5. You're place always sounds homey and warm.
