Monday, June 27, 2011


  Can you see the tumbler composter next to the little greenhouse? It was a reclamation project. lol Someone we know had moved into a house and "found" it in their backyard and didn't want it. So--we got it. (This is a picture of my lovely potatoes, as well).

  I wasn't going to post anything tonight. The Irishman came home and was here when I got home from work. He actually got home around 5 PM, and called me at work to let me know he'd made it, safe and sound.  I told him there was some leftover spaghetti and meatballs in the fridge for his supper, and he said he couldn't wait to eat some of my real food.  I love that man.

  Anyways, we spent a couple of hours catching up and hugging and kissing and then he was off to bed so he can work in the morning. I have been puttering around on the internet, looking for recipes/instructions on canning chicken. I found several. Also spent some time looking at Tattlers reuseable canning lids and rings.  Anybody used them before? I've been thinking of buying them ever since I first heard of them a couple of years ago.  Have any of you ever canned chicken? I think I am going to can boneless skinless breasts AND some leg and thigh quarters as well. It will be this Thursdays project, I of the local markets has the breasts for .99/lb and another has the 10 pound bag of leg and thigh quarters for a measly .39/lb   Cannot go wrong here.  I'm not sure if I will do a raw pack or cook it first...(apparently you can do it either way).

  After this mornings deluge (which kept me in bed way too late) it hasn't rained any more today. Maybe we will get a break...supposed to be a sunny 83 tomorrow.  That sounds like heaven.

  Found out tonight that the husband of a woman I know has been diagnosed with cancer. He went in today for an exploratory, and they said it has spread so much there is nothing they can do. I am  stricken by the news...they are my age and really nice people.  I pray it will be a perfectly timed process that will allow them to make arrangements, but short enough that he will not suffer any more than necessary. God bless Steve and Mary....

  And life goes on, and my big grey cat Patches caught a huge mouse today and presented it to me at the front door. One of the younger kittens caught another baby grass snake. The pepper plants out in the garden are shooting up like rockets and the rest of the plants are looking okay too. The Irishman said after being gone for 4 days, it looks monstrous to him. lol

 Alrighty. I must go to sleep, it's after 1:30 AM. An old woman like me needs her beauty sleep.  :0

  Until tomorrow....

Be Blessed.



  1. Awwwww! Happy homecoming!! :):):)

  2. For someone who wasn't going to post, this was a pretty full description of your day. And it looks like it was a good one, Annie. Glad you are reunited with the Irishman.
