Thursday, June 9, 2011

I'm having mini Oreos for THERE!

  The first cherries of the year. If we don't get the netting over the tree, they will be the last damn cherries of the year too. The birds are in LOVE with these things!

   Yesterday I mowed the front and side yards of our 95+ degree weather. Nearly keeled over. But it had to be done and it is supposed to rain the next 3 days, which would make the already ankle high grass (from a weeks worth of heat) impossible to mow. A friend of mine commented that he was 15 years younger than me and a runner...and HE wouldn't be mowing in weather like this.  lol  I smartly retorted that , while he may be a runner and 15 years younger, I am a woman, and we just do what HAS to be done.

  But I still have the back to do this morning...sigh. The dew was heavy last night and it is very wet out there (I checked).  While I DO want my grass mowed, I do NOT want my leg broken. So...I'll wait a bit longer.  I also have some parsley and cilantro seedlings that have miraculously survived in little peat cubes, so I need to find a spot and get those in the ground today too. AND I need to go buy cat litter (which I forgot when I bought groceries a few days ago) and I may go to Old Navy to buy some India print cotton dresses. I've been looking everywhere for them --you know--the ones we used to wear 35 years ago??  I've looked online, I've looked in a few thrift stores...and last night I saw an Old Navy commercial on tv, and the dresses looked close enough, and reasonably priced, which is more than I can say for the ones I found online. Sigh....if I went into the city I could probably find some...but that would entail driving and risking my life and sanity in St Louis. Yesterday there were 7 murders and 2 carjackings on the 5 o'clock news from there. Think I'll stay home, thanks.

  It's much safer out here on Honeysuckle Hill. And oh so peaceful now that the damn cicadas are winding down their courtships.

  The weeds are trying to take over my garden beds that haven't been mulched yet.  The salad bed is running amok...cramped and crowded and full of yummy stuff that will make up a big part of tonights supper. Chard and lettuces and green onions and baby radishes. Yum. I need to run up the hill and buy some more bales of straw from our local farmer source and get that business ready to go when the Irishman gets home tonight. He doesn't have any idea what I've got in store for him tonight...assuming it isn't raining yet. And even if it is, maybe...might feel really good since it's gonna be about a hundred degrees again today. lol

  Sunday is my anniversary day. Sober and married. The Irishman and I set up housekeeping on this date 19 years ago, I quit killing myself  21 years ago, and we were legally married 12 years ago. That's a big deal in this little life of mine...all the way around.  Not sure what we will do. Nothing spectacular, probably dinner out. We talked about going to Red Lobster, but this morning (after my breakfast of coffee and mini oreos), I'm thinking we should make the drive down south (about 50 minutes from here) and try that Thai restraunt we saw. We haven't had any Thai food for a while, and we both love it.  We'll see....

  Well, as much as I would love to sit here reading and blogging all day long, I have a life that needs tending out there.  It's 8:30 already...I have been up for 2 hours. Looking down the hallway, I see Caylees shedded hair rolling along like tumbleweeds, stark white against the wood floors. (Didn't I JUST vacuum?????)  All the dishes from the Irishman's supper are sitting in the sink (he couldn't bring himself to clean up after himself last night and when I got home from work, I damn well wasn't doing it either. Now I have to do it today) and there's stuff needs doing. So I shall bid you all a fond adieu and totter off into the scathing heated world of the middle western countryside.



  1. I laughed right out loud and almost spit my coffee on my laptop with your retort to the runner man--ROFL!!

    I used to wear the long, flowing, cotton dresses sometimes, too--but liked floral patterns. Really loved long denim jumpers/dresses, too. Been years since I wore a dress...hummm? ;)

    I hope you catch up with the yard and find some cool place to eat. Congrats on everything! Sober, love, marriage. This is me patting you on the back! :):)

  2. Thanks Rita! You know, I have tried posting ON MY SITE several times now and it woldn't let me. Is this the time???
