Wednesday, May 11, 2011

That Fickle Mother Nature...

 MY chives...and now Mama Pea tells me I should have chopped them before the flowers. Dang! Well, even at my age, you live and you   But...they're soooo pretty!!

  Yesterday barely missed 90 degrees. It hit 90 the day before and today is supposed to be the same. The humidity is brutal.  We seem to have warped straight from winter to summer and almost left out spring. With all the rain we've had the last few weeks around these parts, it's nice that things have dried out just enough that we can plant. And by we, I mean me, and the farmers. I get stuck behind farm machinery every single day now out on the road.

  I finished the corn, green beans, edamame and a few errant peppers that the Irishman missed planting. This was yesterday. It kept threatening to rain out my planting day, but never quite happened. When it did rain (after I was finished) it was just enough to wet things down a little and then go it's merry way. South of us, they got some pea sized hail. We had thunderboomers, but that was all. It's amazing how different the weather can be just 15 miles south of us...

  I will spend today housecleaning and cooking and puttering around before I leave for MissB's. Taking it a little easy...

  Tomorrow I will drive down and pick up my baby sister and bring her up here to Honeysuckle Hill to spend the day. She hasn't seen my newly painted walls yet, or the gardens. She had a little setback on Monday, so I will try to cheer her up. I had a rotisseried chicken yesterday and the leftovers will make a nice chicken salad for us for lunch. Today I will fix some kind of  wonderful  thing for my husband's supper tonight while I am gone...something he can easily heat up in the microwave after his 10 hours at work.

  Hopefully the sweet potatoes will be in by the weekend and we can get those in and then except for the marigolds and nasturtiums that I border my beds with for bug control, the garden will be fini! (I just realized that I didn't put any parsley or cilantro in yet!! I can tuck those plants in about the salad bed maybe, or near the chives.) This is life on the little's never finished, and just when you think you're done, other things pop up.

And I wouldn't trade it for anything...



  1. Although it sounds like an awful lot of work, I know you will have such wonderful meals that I get to read about... makes it worthwhile.

    Wow, a ten-hour day is a long one. Does the Irishman do that every day?

  2. We hit 91 here yesterday, even North of you. We seem to have had a week of spring and jumped to summer. But I hear it's supposed to get back to normal this weekend. Now, if only it will hold off raining.... This is my usual weekend to plant out summer things. We'll see.
    I envy your 10 hour days. I had some of those last week when I was off work and loved every minute of it.

  3. Annie, you can still cut and use your chives even when they are blossoming! And I do all season long. I just think they are (kinda/sorta) a little more tender and "fresher" if you get them before they blossom. If you want to freeze some, just cut the whole clump down now (or one clump if you have more than one) and wait for them to regrow and catch them this time before they blossom.

    I happen to think chive blossoms are one of the prettiest flowers out in the garden!
