Saturday, May 21, 2011

Busy days...

  But never too busy to put cut flowers on the table...these gorgeous irises (or "flags" as my granny always called them) are from my yard. I got them for free from someone tearing them out of their yard and were going to throw them away. The stems are so long  many of them leaned over to kiss the dirt or broke, so I cut them and brought them in the house. I found the gorgeous vase at a thrift store. It's perfect for these daddy long legs!!

  It's been strange weather around here, finally warming up to about 77 today. The humidity is high, so it feels even hotter. They keep predicting rain, but so far we have seen none of it.

  The Irishman got the tent out and went through the camping gear today. When I got home tonight, the tent was set up in the front yard. He says he's airing it out, getting ready for our big camping trip. It looks like the circus is in town.  lol   (Which , of course, reminds me of something I heard years ago in an AA meeting...."Just because the monkey's OFF your back, doesn't mean the circus has left town!") to explain how crazy we can sometimes be, even though we have put down the drink and dope.

  No word yet on the autopsy findings. My friends young son came by yesterday and we hugged and he cried...I told him to come out is all so sad...

  On the bright side, we got the sweet potato slips on Friday and got them in the ground. Put in 2 dozen plants. Beauregards.  And everything else is coming up nicely. Trying hard to keep the sprouting potatoes pulled up from the tomato bed...bad call on my part--volunteer fingerling potatoes coming up all over that bed. Tomatoes don't like potatoes. Sigh....The green beans are already about 2 and a half inches tall!!  And the corn is up and all the salad stuff is going gangbusters already.(Have I said how much I love gardening????) lol

  Going to check out a new church tomorrow, I think. It's in the town where I went to high school, about 15 miles from here.  Or I'll sleep late and miss it.  lol   Either way, I'm sure my day will be grand. I am not really a church goer, but sometimes I feel the need to sing.

  Time for me to hit the hay. Tired to the bone tonight for some reason. Yesterday I made some wonderful veggie burgers for supper, with homemade hamburger buns. I will never buy hamburger buns again. These were so simple and outrageously GOOD!  For the veggie burgers, I was going to make them southwestern, with black beans and salsa, but instead, I started with a Nature Burger (do you know what this is???) base and added chopped onion and leftover pinto beans, to finish those up. Then I finely chopped some celery and added black pepper, garlic and celery seed. I had a leftover ear of corn on the cob...cut the corn off and threw that in too.  They were so good....I sauteed some mushrooms and onions to put on top and we were in hog heaven.  Today for lunch I just made some old tuna salad for my husband and sonny boy (who came by to fish a bit) and we all had a nice lunch of sandwiches, blue corn chips and homemade salsa. Yum.

  Alrighty. I am off to meet up with Mr Sandman.  Catch you all later....



  1. I hope you got a good night's sleep, Annie! You deserve it, as hard as you work, day after day...

  2. Sounds like a full day.

    I love that you feel the need to sing and seek out a place to do it with a bunch of people :) That's the Spirit!

  3. Sounds like a good day. I wish I could say that last night's storms missed us. We had wind and heavy rain. Things were blown all over the porch and yard this morning.
    So good of you to be there for your friend's son. Having good support can help people get through tough times like that.
    And are you willing to share your hamburger bun recipe? Or is it just regular bread dough?

  4. Sure I'll share it, Judy. In fact I was thinking I would put it on my other blog, so many people have asked for it. Thanks!

    DJan...I slept like a baby. lol

    Jess-My days are all full, lol. And I sing all the time...sometimes I just like to sing in church. ;)

  5. Gorgeous flowers! So sorry to hear about your friend. Glad you slept well. :)

  6. Checking in following the tornadoes in Missouri. Hope you and your family and friends are safe. We are certainly sending our positive thoughts and prayers to everyone affected. We know what you guys are going through here in Alabama.
