Saturday, April 2, 2011

Spring at last ??  It could happen. Yesterday I snipped fresh chives from the garden for my salad. I also dug up some runaway perennial onions to take to a friend so she could start her own bed of them. I can't believe it's Saturday already.

  I went to check out the kitchen at the Oblate on's where I'll be teaching the canning and preserving workshop.  It's nice and big and relatively well stocked as far as cooking pots and things go. I stayed and had tea and outlined the class with the coordinator, the sister who facilitates the discussion groups we attend.  It was a lovely late morning/early afternoon and I came home after that. I was waiting for an order from Amazon that was being delivered by UPS...I got organic Thai Kitchen coconut milk for a really good price by the case. And free shipping. the meantime I had the Irishman get the satellite internet pieces down from the roof so I could ship the trai and the modem back to them and get that over with. Conveniently, I was able to hand over that box to the UPS guy when he finally arrived. Deed done.

  We went to Chinese Buffet for supper last night. I was able to pick and choose food that was sort of okay for my diet.  I can feel the effects of the high sodium today though. But it was good...and then we went to see the new movie Limitless. It was very good.

  I need to get out in the yard and do some garden cleanup today. I also need to prune my Rose of Sharons before they start to bud. I should have done it in the late fall...I have tons of  flower garden debris to clean up and then I am off to MissB's this afternoon.  Not enough time in the days anymore...I really miss the old days...but am very grateful to have a little extra money. An ancient

  The temps are warming up daily. Yesterday was pleasant, in the mid 50's. Today we are inching up a few degrees and tomorrow should be around 70. I am so ready for the warming...

  Happy Saturday all.  This week just flew by...



  1. Waiting for spring through a snowstorm here.

    Grateful to be here to experience it.

  2. I am so jealous that you can see the ground!

  3. Yes, spring came here today, too. It rained this morning while I was out walking, but by the afternoon the sun came out in full force! What a difference it makes in my mood.

    I love Chinese buffet because I can eat just what I want, and no more.

  4. yellow treasure!

    Spring Aloha from Waikiki

    Comfort Spiral



  5. Spring will NEVER come here in Ohio. I am so depressed. All we have is cold and rain.

    Thanks for visiting at my blog.


