Thursday, April 28, 2011

It's Thursday...and the sun is shining!!!

  Here's an early picture of the painting of the living room. I went through some anxious moments when I was second guessing myself about the color. In the end, I'm real happy with it.

  Here's a shot of the dining area, with some of the junk back on the walls. You'll be proud to know that I did scale it way  Either that, or I've just been too lazy to put stuff back up.  Crikey. Is that a cat sitting in the midle of my table??  Surely not...

  I was way too tired to post last night and was in bed before midnight.  I was up before 7 AM this morning and today and tomorrow I get to stay home and play, or go out and play, or just play and play.  Or work my butt off...which doesn't really appeal to me either. WHAT??  How about a little balance, you say?? How about a little work and a little play? hmmmm....what a concept.

  Yesterday morning  was  weird. I got a call from a lunatic woman across the pond from me, screaming at me and swearing at me and telling me to come get her dog because she was sick and tired of cleaning up after it. Before I could say anything, the gods intervened and she hung up on me. Somehow, I managed not to go over to her house or call her back. It would have been  a mess. As it was, I got angry, I got thoughtful, and I got busy thinking about something else.  I am constantly praying for compassion where she is concerned.  I wish that she and her husband would just move back to the city where they belong. I don't think it will be long. They have taken most of the trees off their 5 acre property because she "doesn't like trees".  She gets pissed becasue the ducks and geese make too much noise on the pond, and it bothers her.  There are bugs in her house, no matter how much Raid she sprays and the mice too...don't get her started on the mice.  I just smile and shake my head. This is country living, bitch.  Out here, you learn to co-exist on some small level with Mother Nature. Or--you go away. Becasue MN will win every time. They fight and scream and call each other vile names...and it all drifts across the water to my backyard.  I told her once that every time they fight, I could write a ttranscript of it. She said she didn't care. I said, well I care.  I care about havingt abusive energy and language assaulting my senses every time I go outside, or if my kitchen window is open.  She flounced off. (She's a flouncer).


  I really wish I had 40 or 50 acres, so I could live in relative peace. Of course, I'd have to have a handsome young handyman to help take care of it all.  *snork

   I'm going to take my baby sister out for lunch today, if she's free, and maybe bring her home with me for a while. That means I need to get off here, get a tiny bit of straightening up done and maybe start a load of laundry.

  Then I'll make a nice supper for us and actually have an evening meal  with my husband.

  OOooo...the possibilities.

  For now, I have to check on my chickens. The rains have turned their chicken run into a muddy mess.  I'll feed them and talk to them and collect some eggs and maybe make a nice quiche or something. We'll exchange some chicken loves and then I'll mosey on into the day....



  1. Those wall colors are perfect, if you ask me! I love the pastel perfection of them. And that neighbor will be outta here... eventually. I look forward to hearing you tell of her flouncing back to the city.

  2. still makes me happy to think of your little house, with the animals and gardens and pond ... sigh... peaceful even with the chaos thrown in :)

  3. So when are we going to get together our funds and buy the acreage with only the "quiet" folks on it...I find it so strange folks who are that way, they kill, maim and ruin and try to *gasp* control nature, there is no controlling is feral, so are we at our cores...

    I love the colors you have, very lovely indeed!!!

    Love you very much

  4. Awwww...we love it here. And even with all the chaos, it's still a little piece of heaven.

    I am VERY happy with the colors. The Irishman and I worked outside most of the day (s'posed to rain again tomorrow :( We looked at possible new dininig room lighting at Lowes...

    I'm whipped!

