Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday

  Ever have that feeling that you're dancing as fast as you can...and any minute you're liable to spring right up into the skies?  Today has been like that for me.

  I cooked a half a ham that was in the freezer. I candied some sweet potatoes from last years garden...with butter and brown sugar and pecans.  I cooked the very last quart of green beans from last year with bacon and onion..And I made a toasted coconut cheesecake.  I did 3 loads of laundry.  I vacuumed the house and several pieces of furniture.  I sorted through the seed box from last years seeds and decided what was good and what needed tossing.  I started a brand new garden journal for 2011...the one before finally fell apart...and had entries from years 2002-2010.  I vowed to do a better job with this years journal...I did diagram the beds, but everything else pretty much fell by the wayside. I finished all this by 1 PM.

   After my husband and I ate a nice Easter dinner, I went to work. And this sounds crazy when I read it, even to me.  Now it's midnight and I am tired. I didn't hear from one single member of my family today. I did get calls and text messages form a few friends...but not one word from my family. Nobody got together for dinner this year. I guess. Either that, or I just wasn't invited. I know my son wasn't sure what they were doing, probably going to his inlaws, he said.  I sent out an email saying happy easter to everyone.  Ain't that some shit?

   We have had some serious storms around here.  Tornadoes and straight line winds and torrential rains.  The creeks are swollen and the yards are saturated. The roads are covered in water in lots of places. This is going to push the farmers back a few weeks in their planting. It will give me more time to start some seedlings indoors...if I hurry.  Squash mostly.  They are forecasting rain for at least the next week.  Sigh....

  The best part is that everything that was so brown and dead is suddenly lush and green and dizzyingly beautiful.  Almost overnight.  It's the miracle of spring around the Prairie...

   Guess I'll head for bed here in a minute.  I need to get a grip on my world here, hanging on tight, so that I do not fly away....


  1. You had a busy day, for sure. hugs,

  2. Some people don't celebrate Easter the same way. I am puzzled by the lack of any contact, though. I heard from several members of my family through their Facebook pages, even though not meant only for me, I was happy to see everyone doing well.

    You are a very energetic person, and I sure hope you had a good night's sleep after all that work! :-)

  3. Good Lord, Akannie. You got more done in a day then I get done all damn week.

    To be honest, I didn't even remember it was Easter, until the cashier at Kroger's told me to have a nice holiday. I'm not religious and we don't get a day off work, so whoopteedoo. I'll probably be struck by lightening at lunch.

    Love you,


  4. It was a full day, Judy...but life operates on a different energy level when you live like we do...always things that need doin' know that as much as anyone. I do read your You just tucki as much in as you can and leave the rest for tomorrow....

    DJan...I was puzzled by it all too. Did finally get a FB message from my brother this morning. It's weird...I'm not feeling victimized by it or was just weird.

    OH, SB...if lightning comes at you, I'll throw myself in front of you, as it's probably meant for me anyway. lmao...we really just observe the fertility rites of spring as an excuse to eat more anyway. lol

  5. I'll say it again, when I come back or wherever I go, I want to end up as your next door neighbor and help you out with leftovers. Self-centered, I know, but, I hope, also flattering.

  6. Come on, Carol....there's always plenty to share here. I've even got a spare room I'll fix up for ya!
