Sunday, March 27, 2011

Silly Sunday...

   Lemon Meringue Pie...sure to please. This is a wonderful recipe I found in one of my old Farm Journal cookbooks...tweaked a little here and there, of course. I was thinking about making some of the filling for pudding...if I make it with Splenda, it can be okay for me to eat.  I'm agonna give it a whirl. Making meringue with my fresh fresh eggs is a's whips up so tall and stiff and beautiful !

  Yesterday I squeezed some lemons and then zested the rinds. They were all dried out nicely by tonight and I bagged them up for future use. I never have lemons on hand anytime I need lemon zest for a recipe, it seems. (That is about to change! lol)  My little local market had a good price on some pretty lemons, so I went for it. I used the juice all up too. The pudding recipe for this pie actually called for lemon zest too, but I skipped it, since I didn't have it.

  It snowed about 2 inches just south of here yesterday, but the snow didn't make it's way here much. By morning, it was all gone. Now that's snow I can handle!  Todays temps made it up to the mid forties and tomorrow should be around 50. Tolerable spring weather.  I'm reading in some blogs about folks getting seedlings started and planning and scheming about their gardens. I need to try to get out there and start cleaning things up. I'm having a bit of a crisis about how much of what I need to plant. First things will be to get things inventoried and see what I have lots of and what I have nothing of. lol  I hope I can get edamame again this year, or have enough left from last year to plant again. We really fell in love with that stuff, and like an idiot, I didn't save any seed.  I'd like to be more knowledgable about seed saving, but I'm not.  Probably something I should get on the stick about...there are several books I've seen in Countryside magazine about it, as well as on Amazon.

   My sister may be coming from Florida for a visit next month. I say "may" because she often makes plans and cancels and never bothers to tell you until after the fact. She called and said "We're coming..." and I thought, I'll believe it when I see the whites of your eyes. I'm a little cynical...  It'll only be a quickie visit...I haven't seen her in a couple of it goes. She is apparently calling all of us and making appointments to spend a little time with everyone.  lol

   My nephew and his wife have a baby on the way...they find out the sex this week, I think.  One of my other nephews just bought his own first home...very proud of that 23 year old !!!  A great-nephew just made the National Honor Society. All of our kids are doing well. What a blessing, having had parents like us!  *grin

  Life is a big wheel that turns and turns.  Thinking today about the love and the loss and the tragedies and the miracles that make up a persons life. It's all really quite incredible, if you think about it. The perfect life, I guess, has just the right mix and balance of all those things. When all is said and done, I guess we can only hope to stand before our maker (as Erma Bombeck so aptly put it) and say "God, I used up EVERYTHING You gave me."  All the laughter, all the tears, all the wisdom and all the mistakes. All the love, all the hate, all the fear and all the faith. 

   Every last drop.



  1. that last thought is so important and powerful. its how i try to live life too.

  2. How I wish I lived next door to you --

  3. Hey Joker...thankis for stopping by. It's always the little things, isn't it?

  4. Oh, I wish you did too. How I wish....

  5. I always read your posts but rarely comment since for some reason you didn't return the favor, but lately I've been seeing your smiling face (so to speak) on my posts, so I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate it, and that I always read about your day. You are an inspiration!
