Monday, January 10, 2011

Lemon Meringue Pie...

  Made a lemon meringue pie today. Not for me, because I am NOT a big meringue fan, but made it for a friend who's feeling poorly and declares it to be her favorite. I do make a pretty mean meringue, if I do say so myself.  I also made a small tart sized one for the Irishman...He raved about it. lol

  For what is probably the 5th time in 2 years, someone I know  had colon cancer surgery today.  This time it was a tumor the size of a tennis ball. This stuff must be epidemic, seems like every time I turn around it has hit again. I want to scream from the rooftops :PEOPLE!!!!  HAVE A COLONOSCOPY, DAMMIT !!!!!!!!!

  It was a busy day today, and all grey and dreary. Big snowstorms coming in tonight and they are predicting 4-6 inches for us. The bad news is we still have some leftover from the last storm. I have a very small window these next couple of weeks to get all the things done I need to accomplish...very busy.  Today it was one load of laundry, vacuuming and a pie. Period.  Tomorrow I need to make granola bars and fix a nice supper to be waiting for my husband when he gets home from work. The past days he's been eating leftovers...he doesn't mind, and I don't mind, but not too many days in a row.  lol

  I called my neighbors on my way home tonight to let them know I was parking in their second  driveway tonight. They are so great...we have a hill at the bottom of our drive, and 6 inches of snow would be about enough to keep us from getting to the main roads. SO when the weather takes a turn like this,  we park our cars there.I am lucky to be blessed with such good neighbors. She loaned me a book called 29 Gifts, by Cami Walker....a marvelous story by a woman who was diagnosed with MS and turned her life around with a simple plan of giving.  I have signed up at the   and would recommend you to do it too. It's all about gratitude and life and love.

   Had a great talk with a friend of mine from California the other day...we have known each other about 18 years.  She is an extraordinary woman and a great role model and friend. I am so very blessed to have her in my life, and we chatted on for hours about this and that.  Good to have friends that pick up the phone and talk as though we just saw each other yesterday, when in fact, it has been almost 10 years. She came out after my big accident, when we lived in North Carolina and stayed after I came home form the hospital.  I love her....

  I really am bone tired  and need to get to bed.  Here's hoping the sun shines on you today, and every day.


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