Sunday, December 12, 2010

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

Not like there's much else you can do about

  It's not that there's so much [yet]. It's that the wind is  blowing about 30 mph. The Irishman tried to leave to go to a meeting this morning and came back, saying the wind is blowing it so much you can't see. So he came back home and is out shoveling the sidewalk and fed the chooks for me. I, meanwhile, am defrosting chicken to go in the oven for his supper. I have to go in to my little MissB early today...assuming I can make the trip. This is supposed to be a 1-3 inch storm, which isn't bad, but the wind is the messy part. Last night coming home I was being pushed off the road nearly by 40 mph gusts. No idea what the temps are, but it doesn't really feel THAT cold.

   Thirteen days til Christmas.  Holy Moley. Time is flying by...already seems like months ago we were in Wisconsin, instead of just weeks. Something very strange happens to time this time of year. It bends and contracts and snaps and whooooosh! It's a new year.  It only reinforces the theory of mine that time is a man made commodity, and doesn't really work according to the rules we have set around it.  :)

   Feeling a little tired  and rushed these days. I have things to do and not enough energy and time to do them. Or something. lol   Have chicken in the oven baking for supper and will mash red potatoes and cook something green to go with it.  I won't be here to eat it, but my husband will be one happy man.

  Okay. I'm off to spend a couple of more hours with this man I share my life with. We don't have a lot of time together these days, and have to cherish every minute together.  We are both a couple of lucky ducks...


1 comment:

  1. Hope you enjoyed your morning and yes I understand some of the rush, but am limiting myself this year with loving boundaries!

    We got snow too and some nasty winds here...with more snow on the way...

    Resting and enjoying tonight while staying warm with two dogs and mr. goofball.
