Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Here comes Peter Cottontail...

Hmmm...opened the front door this morning to find about 15 rabbits of assorted sizes eating around the bottom of the bird feeder. Pretty little things, until the dogs scared the bejeezus out of them and they fled.
(She looks sweet, but Lucy the lab is a renowned rabbiter)

  It's a whopping 18 degrees right now, up from 12 at 6 AM. I need to get out to the chickens, but am waiting for a warming trend. lol  In a few I'll get my warmie warms on and trek out there. I'm busy taking down curtains and washing them, washing windows, and getting everything ready for the Irishman to put up the traverse rod when he gets home tonight. i got it at JC Penneys yesterday, a combo rod with a regular curtain rod for the sheers, for about 65.00 OUCH!  Nobody likes to spend that kind of money on curtain rods at Christmas time...

  I'm going to deck the halls a little more today, and try really hard to get the outside evergreen up. Christmas decorating (like so many things) falls to me. He doesn't care a whit about having these things up, though he never complains about it, unless I ask him to help. Probably a good part of why  I have simplified so much of my decorating  the last few years. That's not a bad thing...it used to look like Father Christmas threw up all over my house. It gets more tasteful the older I get (*grin).

  I have so much to do here I really shouldn't even have turned on the computer this morning. BUT--here I am, and I'm trying to get back in the habit of blogging daily, as it's a good writing exercise I think.  I've been letting myself get a little too frantic lately, and I hate it when my life is like this. I need to slow it down, spend more time at home when I'm not little old lady-sitting, and take it easier. After all, it's winter. lol  I can only pray that next spring and summer the gardening and canning will be as good(?) as it was this year, even though it almost killed me. But I have lots of marvelous food to show for it. I just finished drying the last of the cranberries and packaged them last night.

  Still have Christmas shopping to do, and am contemplating gift cards for everyone except the youngest grandson. Gas cards are always good, as well as pizza. Am not doing all THAT much...but what I have to do, I will try to be thoughtful and generous. 

  The cats are all restless and running around like maniacs. It's been too cold for them to go out...instead they are running amok and knocking lamps over, tearing things up and generally making me want to kill them. They just knocked books off the shelf...sigh....

  Okay. I am marching off to do my chores like a good house frau... If I don't commit any murders today, it will be a good day. Thinking about having a family dinner one Friday night before the holiday weekend..I will be working on Christmas, late in the day. Guess I'd better make a decision, eh?


1 comment:

  1. I love the picture that is painted of your yard and home, reminds me so much of the homes I come from! :)

