Friday, October 8, 2010

Such an autumn day....

 The Irishman has left for a 3 day backpacking trip...and tonight I will be pulling the big quilt out and getting flannel sheets on the bed. I love this quilt, made by my friend and quilter extraordinaire, Pam. 

  Made a big steak and eggs and potatoes breakfast and sent him on his way. He'll be back Sunday evening sometime. I'm so grateful that he has found a friend he can do this stuff with...we used to be big-time campers and hikers, before I got hurt. Now I cannot do it, and I'm glad Jerry can. (BTW--I cooked some sweet potato in with the red potatoes, all from the garden, and cooked with bell peppers -red,yellow,green- and onion and fresh garlic. I can't tell you how great it is to eat a meal like this (our eggs, of course) and be able to say--I grew these.)

  LIttle Swayze is acclimating, though he's still peeing a lot. sigh...male dogs--this is why my 3 are all females. Speaking of which, Molly McGee is on the loose, out running and playing and being a crazy little dog. She flew by once this morning and then dashed off again.  lol

  I'm off today. I am torn about whether to run into town and then back home again, or just not go at all.  I need to get the tables set up in the garage and start digging sweet potatoes. I got a few the day before yesterday and they are huge.  They need to lay out and harden off a bit before storage. I could wait and let Mr. O'Kelley do it when he gets home, but he'll be knackered and not good for much, I suspect.  So, maybe I'll start the process and he can finish it up next weekend, if I don't get it all done.  I am so glad to be home I can't describe it. lol  My life feels like I am on the run all the time these days. I do need to go to the bank before 5 o'clock, but otherwise, I could probably just stay put. That sounds lovely....

  The weather is gorgeous...70's and bright cloudless skies and sunshine. I am feeling a bit warm, and have opened all the windows and turned on the window fans. Burned some lovely incense, cleaned up the kitchen and am contemplating changing clothes and showering. I put sweats on this morning when I got up at was quite chilly, around 48 degrees.  Not so much

  Gonna let my day unfold slowly and all by itself, I think.  Hope your day is as good as mine....


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