Thursday, October 21, 2010


Shuffling through the day.  Feeling better, but still not quite good...husband says I may have malaria, when I told him I don't feel feverish anymore on the outside, but it's hot inside my head and my eyes hurt.  lol

The cough is lessening and I have a little more energy every day, with the help of some over the counter chemical concoctions. Slept very well last night. Everyone keeps telling me to go to the doctor and get antibiotics, but I try to not do that, as they affect me in more ways than they help.

  I have a big crockpot of chili going and have been cleaning my master bathroom. I'm only here while waiting for the floor to dry that I just mopped. It's a HUGE room, and gets so messy and dusty and I don't clean it nearly often enough, and for that I am penitent. I bought some new rugs for the floor in there and it seemed like the perfect time to clean. I have to go sit with my little lady at 2:30, so I'm running the clock here.

  Been conversing with family about the state of the BIL...everyone is worried and no one knows what to say or do. One sister said...You mean we have to wait for him to want to do this on his own ??!?!?!  lol   Yes, afraid so, I said.   Recovery, as we all know, is not for people who need it, but for people who want it.  

 ON the bright side, it's a glorious fall day here. The sun is shining, the skies are blue and it is dry, although they are talking about possible rain in the next night or two. We could use it, it's pretty dry out there. The colors are lovely and the trees are all shedding their leaves at an amazing rate of speed.

  Okay, the clock is ticking and I realize I haven't eaten anything yet today.. not a good thing. Hard to find an appetite though...

  Alrighty then...I am outta here and shuffling off to finish another day. Tomorrow: APPLESAUCE !!!



  1. Yum applesauce!

    I'm praying for you and saying a little prayer for your BIL too! :)

  2. We really are chosen people. Not everyone gets it. Are you doing Nano this year?

  3. Yes, Carol, I am...are you?? We truly are the lucky ones, aren't we??

    Hi Jess!! loved your Edisto pics...thanks for the prayers. They are much appreciated...
