Friday, October 29, 2010

October's end...

3 days left before we start the dreaded move into Holiday Mode.

  Already the stores are usurping their Thanksgiving displays with Christmas. No wonder we're all so crazy this time of year. What a blessing is a life that encompasses One Day At A Time as it's basic [almost] saves me from the insanity that comes with this time of year. It feels like dancing as fast as you can, but never quite catching up to the music. lol  If I let it.

We're are trying to decide if we'll be going to Wisconsin this year or staying home and then taking a trip someplace warm in January (if we can pull it off).  The Irishman is suddenly feeling guilty that he has been taking all the trips the past couple of years and I am always staying home. lol  He still has a ways to go, truth be told, to catch up with all the travelling I did up to 5 years ago. It is such a chore to try to go many animals and so few people willing to help or even be hired to do it.   We shall see...

 I really wanted to get to back to daily blogging this past summer and it didn't happen. Life got in the way. Now it's time for NaNoWriMo, and I am completely out of the habit of writing every day. We'll see if I can make it through this year or not.  I have my pal Mary to look up to for inspiration and fun...If anyone can inspire me, she can [again].  I will never be a writer...I have no discipline. None whatsoever.  I am like an errant child, whining and griping all the way. I won't write for days on end, and then I'll go crazy and write like a maniac for hours and hours without stopping.  

 I am one sick puppy.

 On a brighter note...I got some peppers strung and am getting ready to start some French Onion Soup. The Irishman is working today OT, this is our one day that we try to spend together...he will be home this afternoon sometime, I guess, and not work the whole 10 hour shift that he normally does. So..I shall make soup. And clean and putter and do anything except all the things I should be doing. lol

  Cold cold this morning. It was 10:30 before the frost finally burned off...a hard one this first time of the year. I need to sally forth and check out my backyard...

  Blessings and salutations to all y'all out there. Have a blessed day....


1 comment:

  1. French onion soup...YUMMY!!!

    Somehow the switch to the cool cool autumnal season is so comforting. I don't know why but it is.
