Sunday, August 1, 2010

A new month

Here we are...on the first day of the 8th month.  It's a Sunday.

 I made a breakfast of sausages and eggs and toasted homemade Italian herb bread.  I am home alone, and just finished tending my water bowls and putting food and fresh straw down. The newer chooks are getting ready to lay...I have to make some new arrangements inside that coop, as the Rhodies are still being territorial about the coop and nesting boxes, even though they aren't laying. in the

  I have been busy as a bee...canning and drying and freezing. I have a dehydrator filled with onions and tomatoes that needs to be emptied and more onions put in. The price of onions finally came down to halfway manageable, so I bought several bags to dry. The Irishman said he heard something about a frost in Florida that caused this problem, they were up over a dollar a pound, which is about 3 times the norm.  I have some onions in the garden too...

 This is my sweet potato's gone crazy. Can't wait to see how the harvest turns out. Everything looks good...I haven't dug around in there to look yet. Maybe this afternoon after I get back.

  Time for me to get a move on. Can't believe it's after 11 o'clock already, and I have to leave here by 12:15. Oh well. The vacuuming may NOT get done this morning.  lol   



  1. I always get hungry reading your blogs. Reminds me of my grandparents house in tennessee. Always gardening, canning, freezing and just enjoying the simple farm life :)

  2. Beautiful pictures! And I'm with make me hungry. :)
