Thursday, July 22, 2010

This is what it's like now...

Green beans, before and after. lol  I wound up with 6 quarts and 6 pints of these bad boys out of the first well as one big pan of beans stir fried with olive oil and fresh garlic. Not bad for the first haul...and there are tons more out there as well as flowers, so it's going to be a good green bean year. yippee!!!

  These are the ivory peppers. Pretty, huh?  Also had some okra and quite a few Roma tomatoes. This was next on the agenda...

Not sure if I'll dry more okra, shrivels away to nothing. Tastes really good though.....I generally grow it to pickle it, and freeze a bit for gumbos and stews.  Just thought I'd try this though.

And just for you, my darling Prayer are some shots of the peach tree this morning in the already too high humidity. The heat index today is supposed to hit 110...advisory for folks to stay in and be careful...

See how the branches are weighed down to the ground?? (Click on picture to really see!!)

 The peaches are only about the size of  baseballs...but they are incredibly sweet. I picked about a dozen so far...mostly off the other tree behind this's always ripe earlier.

   Ok.  I still have more to do this morning before I head off for my "visit" with  that darling little 80 year old woman. I'm going to take her some new potatoes, if I can dig some without keeling over. It's very hot out there...the dogs won't even go out, lol.  So far I've vacuumed, done laundry, talked on the phone, swept down the front porch and sidewalk, put chicken legs and thighs in the crockpot and fed all the assorted and sundry critters that I serve. Have to leave in 2 hours, but it's only a little more than 15 minutes away, so...I still have to time to dig, and then shower.

  Off I go....



  1. Thank you. I loved the pictures of your peach trees, BUT the downside is that my keyboard is full of drool. LOL

    I'm not much into okra except as you mention in gumbo, but I adore all kinds of tomatoes and peppers.

    What a blessing your garden is for you.


  2. Wow, what beautiful bounty!
    And the heat!, i don't know if i have ever been in heat like that. I would love to try, really. To just swelter, and not being able to do a thing, that sounds just fine with me today.

  3. Oh yes! Fresh peaches right off the tree! Good peaches are hard to find in a supermarket.
