Sunday, July 11, 2010

Caught between the worlds...

 Can't believe it's almost Monday already and I haven't posted in a week. Can't believe it's the middle of July either.  Time flies this time of year. I get so busy with the yard and gardens and every little thing.  Feels good working until I'm tired and sleeping like the dead.

 I had a job interview today and got the job. It's a part time gig, being a companion to an elderly woman. She's 80.  She had a handicapped daughter that she cared for all her adult life, the daughter passed away in March. She had a husband who had to be put in a facility with late stage Altzheimers 2 years ago, and he passed last month. Her only family is a niece who cares for her. It will be enough to help us out here and not so much that I can't take care of my own stuff. I am very grateful....

    Will probably start canning before beans and tomatoes and okra all coming on. The potatoes are all doing well, as are the squash and cukes. I may can some relish, but mostly am just eating the cukes fresh.  The edamame are flowering, and will start producing pods any day now. I also have all kinds of peppers in all stages of production.  Those are easy though...I just cut them into strips, bag and freeze. Although I may stuff a few and freeze whole, just to see how they do.  The peaches are coming on--we ate 2 ripe ones today at lunch.  

   The tiny baby kitten, sole survivor of a litter of 4, is doing famously. Growing and now (finally!!) eating canned kitten food on his own.  He's active and playful and growing. I can't tell you how happy that makes me...I don't think I could take the loss of another kitten...
We named this beauty Jinga.  

    Been a busy week of meetings and events and life in general. On top of it all, I have read and finished 3 books, started a 4th and am finishing up another.  If there is any avenue of escape I have not used....I don't know what it is.  lol

    Picked enough green beans the other day to make my absolute favorite dish of braised green beans with fresh garlic and olive oil. Topped off with some cracked black pepper, I was in heaven. Also dug some new red potatoes. They were marvelous.

   I am babbling. Time to get some sleep and try to blog better this coming week.

  One can hope.




  1. Good for you on getting the job. I am sure it will be good for both of you.

    I am glad to hear of your garden of bounty!

  2. So happy to hear that Jinga is going to make it. That was so sad, and I know how hard it must have been for everybody involved. You are, as usual, busy as a bee, and now another person will have the advantage of your energy. Great! And your bountiful garden sounds wonderful.

  3. All I can say is, "I love you, Annie".


  4. sounds a lovely Summer!

    missed you...

    Aloha from Hawaii, friend :)

    Comfort Spiral
