Saturday, June 5, 2010

Still Saturday...

 This has been one long day.  (And not in a good   It's getting near midnight and I just came back from driving to meet someone who is having to give a kitty back. She's heartbroken, and ALLERGIC.  I feel so bad for her, she had little Sookie long enough to get really attached to her. The reason it happened so late is that she got a call that her father has had another heart attack and she has to go out of state.'s the little calico, and she is scared witless to be back around this madding horde of cats after having been an only cat for a few weeks. Hopefully she'll adjust. 5 cats are leaving Monday to go to the farm. That will leave me with only 11...(ONLY!!!!!!!)  I am getting old...

   Tomorrow is my family reunion. I don't want to go, but since I am the coordinator, I don't have much choice. Once there, it'll be great...I have been a mess all day, and I don't know why. On the verge of tears,  depressed...feeling like I am having a hormonal meltdown.  It's been awful. I stayed home this morning and started mowing ...the humidity was horrific and by the time I had 3/4 of it done I was ready to collapse. Luckily, that was about the same time the Irishman came back from his streams and river cleanup, so he took over and finished it. I didn't eat well. I didn't drink enough water. I felt the effects of it all day.

  (Just went out to check, and she's running and  playing with the other kittens like she never left. )

  I made a lovely pasta salad to take tomorrow--full of sun dried tomatoes and fire roasted red peppers, basil, chives and parsley from my garden.Garlic vinegar and olive oil as a dressing. Some cracked black pepper and sea salt and garlic. I was gonna do some other stuff too, but I just couldn't make myself do it.

 The dark brown hair color turned my hair--you guessed it!! BLACK.  Criminey.  Several people said it looked good, but I'm sure they were just trying to make me feel better.  My sponsor said it really brings out my eyes. lol  Hopefully it will tone down a little after it's been shampooed a few times.  It's pretty close to my natural color, actually, but  that actual color looked a lot better 30 years and 80 pounds ago.  Right now I get a shock every time I look in a mirror.

  The prodigal one has moved all her stuff out of my studio apartment today too. She came, (thinking I'd be gone, I suspect) without calling first, so I was surprised to see her pull up.  Now I can get in there and clean it up. It's not too bad, at least at first look.

  A week from today is my 20th anniversary of being sober and my 18th anniversary of life with that man.  I'm having a hard time getting excited about any of it. Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow. I sure hope so...

 Guess I'd better go to bed because I have to get up early for the 2 and a half hour car ride down to Rend Lake.  We have to stop and pick up my sister too, as her beloved one is being an ass and refusing to bring her. He's a world class Jerk. She's disabled and can't drive. 

  Hopefully tomorrow I'll be back to my usual Pollyanna self, running around with rainbows shooting out my butt.  This down in the dumps stuff is for the birds.   :)   

Have a good night, all....



  1. Love you, my beautiful friend.

  2. I am naturally light brown in the hair department (well, I was before it all went white) and once I dyed it black. It was quite the shock, so I understand. It was funny to watch it grow in with light roots... and congratulations on twenty years! My husband is at 25 this Christmas.

  3. God be with you and show you blessing and love and miracles today!

  4. My friend Gena here is also 20 yrs. sober in AA this month. I will go to the City on Thursday the 24th when she will celebrate at her home group. Her old sponsor is coming in from Victoria also and it will be a fun night, even though I will suffer a bit from lack of sleep at work on Friday.

    Enjoy the family reunion! And keep those rainbows coming! :)

  5. This is definitely not like you. If the sun and humidity was just too much for you I'm sure you'll be feeling better soon. I hate when I feel as you describe. I can only ride it through till it ends.

    Positive prayers and thoughts being sent your way.

