Wednesday, June 16, 2010


  I have laundry going, a turkey breast in the roaster and have been making and fielding phone calls. Haven't showered or dressed yet, and just got word that the PT job I was hoping for fell through. Okay...I don't know what God has in store for me, but it apparently wasn't that one...shoot. I was hoping for a break, lol.

  I have my yard sale stuff ready to go I think and will start tomorrow. My plan originally was for Monday, but it has done nothing but rain and storm this week, so I took my time putting it together.  The garden, on the other hand, has loved this weather...

 It's been a curious week so far...I just feel off center and weird. Oh well..this too shall pass, I guess.  I posted a long whiney post  a few days ago...full of fear and self pity and philosphy (lol)  and the computer ate the whole thing and I couldn't recover it, even using Lazarus. I got the hint.  So I just stayed away for a couple of days until now. Never let it be said that I am THICK.
  I have a very sick little kitten...born with intestinal problems of some sort, I think.  I am trying to decide what else to do..It's the runt of the litter and I have mixed up a magic formula that I am syringe feeding it every few hours. If nothing else maybe it will keep her from being dehydrated...she's very thin and cannot seem to nurse well. The mother isn't cooperating much either, and maybe she knows best. It wouldn't take much to put her out of her misery....but I shall attempt a few things first and see what happens. It's a sweet little thing...

 Read of the apparent suicide of novelist David Foster Wallace with  great sadness. He was one of our [relatively] local boys, growing up about a hundred miles from here. I am always met with a mixed bag of emotions at the word of suicide...a feeling of grief that someone felt that was their only option  and relief that their struggle is finally over. It is what it is...and the world has lost a wonderful writer.

Off to the recovery center today, even though I really cannot afford the gas to make the trip. I didn't go last week and maybe this is what I need to get my brains sorted out.

  Sounds like the dryer has stopped, so I will fold clothes and dry more and make like a good little hausfrau...Just For Today (*Mary)... Then I'll walk out to the garden....



  1. Always good to see a post from you here or elsewhere.

    Take good care Annie.

  2. Love reading about your life -- I go through troubled or up-and-down times. The Steps are an anchor, as is the friendship of those trudging the same road. Just for Toady, sweet Annie...

