Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What a day....

 Sure...they look sweet here....lol

  They are about 3 times this size now.  And still a little sweet, maybe. Last night a helluva storm came through with high winds and thunder and lightning.  On Sunday, we moved the chicks out of the back bedroom and into the run. We were hoping the weather was gonna hold out a bit so that they could get used to being outside and the changes in temperature (from being in the house to outdoors). No such luck.  

  I decided that I had better check on the chooks, so I put on my pink rubber boots and my raincoat. I found a flashlight. I tromped out in the storm and sure enough, the little buzzards were huddled up against the building in the corner. And they were soaking wet.  I went inside and picked them up, one by one, and set them in the little cubbyhole on their side. We put wood chips in the space and were really hoping they would have enough sense to get in out of the rain.  When I got up this morning, I sort of dreaded going out to check on them...little birds are really pretty fragile. Lo and behold, they all came running out to meet me !!  They were dry and happy, and I fed them and pulled some nice weeds for them.  What a relief.

  Then I proceeded to make a temporary lean-to with a plastic tarp and threw some straw under it too.  I also had an old blue 30 gallon (?)  tub that I turned on it's side to make another sort of a shelter, put more bedding in it and pushed it over in that corner they were huddled in.This should do until the Rhode Island Reds are used to them being in the run and won't be trying to peck them to death. Then we'll remove the chicken wire we strung across the run, cutting it in half, and hopefully they'll all live happily ever after.

 Since I was up at the butt crack of dawn, and since it had rained all night...I decided to work in the garden a little, and pulled weeds around the garden beds and all through the raspberry beds.  It was a gorgeous day today, and I am so glad I got to be outside.

  We had a small flock of Indigo Buntings in the front yard today. What a magnificent color !!  All the garden plants look refreshed and bigger from their good drink of water...

  For supper, I grilled chicken and sweet corn. Had some leftover baked beans from the weekend food orgies (lol) and that was supper. I made bbq sauce too, as I was out, and got a little heavy handed with the cayenne pepper.  Oops!  So, I just doubled the batch.  Problem solved. It turned out all sweet and smoky and spicy...just like we like it. The corn was marginally sweet, but acceptable for this time of year...and the fact that it was from Florida. I can't wait for the wonderful midwestern local corn to start showing up... It's the BOMB, people!!!  lol

  Well, time to go read a bit. Reading Einstein's God, by Krista Tippett.  Interesting book about the marriage of religion and science (sort of).  I'll let you know if I recommend it or not...too soon to tell.  I'm also reading a Clive Cussler book...I love this guy's stuff. I know, I know...I'm as shocked as you are. But he's really a wonderful writer and researcher...

  Rain coming back tonight and possibly gonna rain for several days.  I'll be fine--plenty of books and flashlight batteries.  lol



  1. How happy that the chicks were all right! And your day sounds like the knee isn't bothering you as much now, I'm hoping. Have a good rest from a day well spent.

  2. I love stopping by your blog. I always feel happy and at home here. Thanks for sharing.

    I have a little award for you at my blog....

    Have a great day.

  3. We must have had your storm today as we stood outside at the funeral I attended the thunder and lightening was amazing...

    I am glad your chicks are good and well and greeted you!!!

    Sending love

  4. We have been having storms the past few days. All last night lightening and thunder again. But I slept better last night. Glad your chicks are okay and hey, enjoy Clive Cussler. The first time Hubby and I met at a restaurant to get to know each other in person, I was carrying a Clive Cussler book and read it while I waited for Hubby to get there. No, he wasn't late; I was early.
