Saturday, May 22, 2010


  It is Saturday night, or Sunday morning..the wee hours where you lose sight of which day you are in, straddling them both as we do.  It was a pleasant enough day today, and I attended another anniversary celebration in a meeting I used to attend regularly. My friend was celebrating 35 years, and another young women 4. It was lovely all around, and she and I went to lunch afterwards.

  I stopped at a couple of flea markets and didn't find much that caught my eye, aside from an adorable switchplate of ceramic hummingbirds for a dollar. Of course I snatched it up and came home and installed it on the light switches on the living room wall.  And, all right,  I have a confession to make: I also bought some vcr tapes for 75 cents each...The Mummy and The Mummy Returns, with Brendan Frasier, and a copy of Children of the Corn, based on the book by Stephen King. 

  I don't know if it was watching the mummy (must have been), but  I was on the computer (the Irishman is asleep for hours already), and felt compelled to google the name of an old friend of mine who hails from Egypt.  We met in California, years ago, at a masquerade party one Halloween when I was young and beautiful and dressed up as a belly dancer.  The party was in a bar, naturally, and the young man in question fell madly in love with me.  lol  We had a torrid romance and I loved to listen to him talk...his voice so rich and heavily accented, he was so intelligent and cultured.  The last time I heard from him was in 1997, he sent me a Christmas card and said that he had married and divorced and where was I and why was the timing never right for us?   I always felt that we were soul mates, and our relationship was one that makes good reading on a plane, or in the middle of a cold winter night.  He tried and tried to talk me out of living with the Irishman, saying that he was not the right man for me. 18 years later, it seems he may have been wrong. I told him once that God loved him too much to saddle him with someone like me...

  Well, I found him. And he's on Facebook (of course he is).  I wondered if anything had happened to him after the 9/11 events and if he was still in this country. He has moved to central California, but he is still there. I saw the picture of him and my heart lurched a little...he looks really great and I can barely tell that all these years have passed. I, on the other hand, am nothing like I was, in so many ways.  Why oh WHY do men age so much better than we do?? It just isn't fair...

  My gardens are coming along and hope to spend most of tomorrow getting the last few bits in. The weather has taken a turn from cool spring to hot summer, and it was dry today, but Monday is bringing the rains again.  If I don't get myself to bed soon, I won't wake up until late afternoon.  lol

  I have some pictures, but am too tired to post them just now. Maybe tomorrow....

  Off to bed, dreaming, no doubt, of Cairo and camels and a midnight oasis of the heart.



  1. One of the reasons men age better than women is biological: we carry the babies and wear out while they go around gallivanting from woman to woman. It's nature, and I see it happening with my birds, too. Although many bird species have a hard working male helping to raise the babies! Have a great Sunday!!

  2. Well, I dunno about this man aging better. Still, I am glad I was born male.

  3. Oh Annie, how I deeply and profoundly understand this post...some times we have soul flame incarnate this life time with us..the longing can be heart is with you.

    On the aging...yeah I agree solidly not fair...

    dream of egypt and love.

  4. :) Weird how facebook just keeps connecting us more and more.
