Monday, May 3, 2010

Toto...I don't think we're in Kansas anymore...

Holy cow. This is a photo at about 5:30 pm today, out on the highway by our road.  It was sunny and blue skies one minute and black and menacing the next.  It looked like a monsoon out there!  Then the hail started and we had large grape sized hail that came down for over 20 minutes. There was over a foot of ice in the ditches... The winds were roaring and the rains were flooding the yard and street.  It got really foggy and the folks around here lost power for about 3 hours, because the straight line winds took down a bunch of telephone poles again--criss-crossed them over the highway.  The road is shut down for now and the crewd are working feverishly to restore power.  Somehow, ours did not go out.

  After dinner, we had another of the smaller kittens (the runt, actually)  got too close to Molly's dish as she was eating and she snapped at it and caught the corner of it's eye. There was blood everywhere and I was panicking  (in my take charge in emergencies kind of way.) IT looked like the blood was bubbling out of the eye and I got a little freaked...after cleaning it up and calming it down, the bleeding stopped and I could see that it was just a little wound at the corner. The eyeball was alright. It really scared me.

 This has been a weird day, and I feel a little used up. 

  I spent some time with someone who I may have to cut ties with...seems like everytime I am around her, it just sucks the joy out of me.  It's too bad, but I cannot afford that. Not to mention the fact that it's not fun...

  Kind of afraid to go check out my garden in the morning...hope the hail and all didn't do too much damage. My tomatoes are about 6 inches high and the peppers are about 4, so there's potential for harm. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

  Feeling a little adrift. Not sure about the whys or the wherefores, but it is a little uncomfortable. Maybe it's just spring fever ??

  Planning to start some spring cleaning tomorrow.  That will feel good. I have some things to put on Craigs List and some things to throw away or find homes for.  Clearing the clutter is always a good way for me to get to the heart of what's bugging me. My brother and family are coming on Saturday, so that's always good motivation to get the ball rolling. Hopefully the Irishman will have the grill back together and we can bbq out on the back deck. The weather is supposed to be nice...maybe I can even get the mowing finished !! 

Sunday is Mother's Day, isn't it?  Need to get a card made for my DIL and my baby sister.  I'm getting a garden water faucet for MD from my son. He's been out to measure for pipe and even if it isn't all ready to go by MD, it will be soon.  A real treat...with the cistern, we never had any outside water source. I'm excited...

 Alrighty...time for me to hit the hay and get some much needed sleep. I have been sleeping better since this anti-inflammatory started working.  They said that he gave me a cortisone shot during the surgery, and doesn't want to give me another one until at least mid-May, if I need one then.   Maybe I won't...



  1. Sorry you are feeling a little adrift.

    Glad your knee is better.

    Love to you.

  2. Poor little kitty! That could go for the kitten and you, as well, being a little adrift. Sometimes we need to feel that to appreciate how good things are the rest of the time. Hugs to you!

  3. Kansas, there is no place like home, there is no place like home, there is no place like home.............

  4. I was going to say, don't you love it weather like that. :) But when i kept reading your post..
    I hope the cat, you and the garden are all doing ok.
    And have a happy mothers day. You're lucky! i wonder if my men remember :) these years, i am past the days of hinting anything.

  5. May you have found your garden safe. A traumatic day for you. Anyone would be drained and adrift after such an assault. I hope you have a wonderful week.

  6. Being an old Clevelander I keep an eye on your weather but I find that it is more dramatic than what I remember, you're far enough away to be in a different element.
