Thursday, May 6, 2010

Thursday slipping away...

I really love this picture....


Well...I lost most of Wednesday...felt so terrible that I had to forego the trip to the recovery house. I didn't get up until almost 9AM and felt so weak and yucky that I was back in bed before 1.  I slept until almost 6, and got up and made some supper for the Irishman. I was back in bed around 10:30 and slept until 9 this morning. I have felt better today, different at least.  I am coughing, but at least the sore throat is gone.

Today was the potluck at the womens meeting, and I made a batch of zesty chicken salad and a ginormous green salad to take. The chicken salad kept tasting so bland...I added lemon curry. Still bland. I added fresh ground black pepper...still bland. I added a healthy dose of horseradish...better.  LOL...then I realized that maybe my sense of taste was off because of the cold. Oopsie.  I used 3 pounds of chicken breast, onion, celery, apple, pecans, water chestnuts, basil, parsley, sour cream and mayo. Oh yeah, and curry and horseradish.  :) Everyone raved about it and when all was said and done, there was only about a quarter cup of it left to bring home.  So, I guess it was good.

My brother and family are coming on Saturday to pick up my niece's 3 kitties.  She is so grandson is coming that day as well to spend the night and then my son will come on Mother's Day and we'll grill some hamburgers and hotdogs and spend the day together before the boys go home. My son said something about not having any money to take me out (he has had no work for 6 months) and I said I'd treasure a day together at home with him and Tristan. His wife is out of town for the weekend, and won't be home until late Sunday night, so I get him all to myself. So, we'll have a grand time out in the back yard and it'll be great. Hubby has been revamping the grill to make it last another year. Put in a new burner unit and cleaned it all up and painted it. Looks like new (well, almost.  lol)  We use the heck out of it, and it must be about 9 years old now. Tom and husbandman are going to run a water line outside so I can have water for the garden.  That will be my Mothers Day present.  Yippee!!

I'm running on fumes. Time to try and get some sleep...tomorrow I need to work in the garden and the yard. The house needs cleaning as well, so I'll certainly stay busy until time to go to my 8 o'clock meeting. No rest for the wicked...

The kittens are playing all over the house now and the cuteness factor is almost unbearable here.  I'm pretty sure that a box of tiny kittens in a room with world leaders could produce some lovely results.

Off to try and get the doggies in. They are sure loving this nice weather and want to stay out all night. Sometimes I give up and let them...



  1. I love your tag, "kittens as a path to world peace." I think you're on to something here. Glad you stayed home and rested, I was pretty sure, with the sore throat, you were contagious at that time. And you still need to get more rest than you usually do, as you recover.

  2. Sorry to hear you have been ill. I have been so busy lately that I haven't had the time to read on line much. Glad that you are feeling better now though.

    I like that pic too, but can't really see much of it as it is so small here. I tried the web address at the bottom of it, but firefox can't find the server. Crap.

    Oh and enjoy your time with your son and the Little Prince!

  3. Love you Annie and the chicken salad was killer.
    Happy Moher's Day!!!!!!!!!!!
