Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wonderfully Wednesday

This cave was one we visited somewhere in Virginia...we were on our way to the Poconos from North Carolina. The trip took us through Gettysburgh and Lancaster,PA (Amish terrirtory) and eventually to Bainbridge , NY (home of Elmer's Glue!) and Woodstock.  It was one of the best vacations we ever had...Got to visit our dearest friends T&J as well as a bunch of internet friends (the reason for the Poconos Gathering). The Poconos was spectacularly beautiful, as were the mountains in New York. 

Today was one of those days when all the best laid plans went awry, only to lead to even better non-plans. At the very last minute my appt for the massage fell through when the provider got a call for a last minute job interview. So I went to a noon meeting at our local Central Service Office. Afterwards I stopped by the Walmart to return a set of seat covers I had purchased for the car.  I took that money and bought mini blinds for the studio apartment, clear caulk for the office windows, and shampoo and toothpaste. I ran through the Wendy's drive-thru and had a small chicken sandwich and a glass of iced tea and headed home. I vacuumed, spackled a couple of holes in the walls back here, and made dinner. It felt like a pretty productive day, since I also finished reading Fall On Your Knees.

I fielded several phone calls today....2 of my sponslings are moving this week and in various modes of panic. One going back to NC and one moving off to the Islands.  I wish them both the very best and happy trails and Grand Adventures, and all that jazz. 

Making plans for Sundays trip, one of our past Delegates called and offered a ride there with his little group. Not sure if we will...but maybe. It would save us gas, but we might want to have dinner while we're in the state capitol.  Tough call...

I've been approached about filling a vacant position on the CSO Board of Directors again....I don't know...

  Life is good today. Those feelings of uselessness and self pity have disappeared. And if I'm not careful I'll be too busy...and we're coming up on the time of year when I get pretty busy with gardens and all. Need to be prudent.

Our local markets are suddenly flooded with apples from Michigan at a very reasonable price. I think it might be time to get my new dehydrator out that Santa brought.  Dried apples are a wonderful snack. I plan to dry some tomatoes this summer, and I just realized that it might be a good idea to go back to Aldi's and buy a few more of those 99 cent pineapples. They are great dried too.. I've been dying to get that bad boy out and play with it.  I've been seeing some great granola recipes on the raw food blogs made using your dehydrator.

I'm about ready to hit the hay. The dogs scared up a skunk tonight and the air outside is heavy with the nasty smell of it. Luckily they seem to have missed the worst of it...sigh...I've had a good long day and tomorrow have company coming for lunch. Not sure what I'll fix yet. I do need to bake bread tomorrow...

The writer Andre Gide  relates this experience of a trip he took into the Belgian Congo:

"My party had been pushing ahead at a fast pace for a number of days, and one morning when we ready to set out, our native bearers, who carried the food and equipment, were found sitting about without any preparations made for starting the day.

Upon being questioned, they said, quite simply, that they had been traveling so fast in these last days  that they had gotten ahead of their souls, and were going to stay quietly in camp for the day in order for their souls to catch up with them.

So they came to a complete stop."



  1. So very African -- we do need to learn to live soulfully!

  2. i love that getting ahead of their souls bit. feels familiar... and thank you for your visit!

  3. I knew there was a reason for feeling empty.

  4. We left a food dehydrator behind a couple years ago when we downsized, my husband still smarts from that experience. I want to provide him more opportunities to dehydrate.

    It's great to have so many choices today isn't it? It seems before recovery I felt no one wanted to be near me, that there was never anything good to do and life just had no... sparkle. Now it's so sparkly I can't stop the magpie like fascination with all the service and fun there is to try...

    Which is also why I love the quote!!!

  5. I also love that quote, and the description of your day. It does sound like a good productive one. The idea that we can get ahead of our souls is one I hadn't heard before, but it makes sense...

  6. Wow, sounds so productive of you. I hope you keep up and also know the limits so you can tend to your life, gardens and soul.

    I like what Mary LA soulfully is a true experience and when we have those moments life is absolutely exquisite.

    Love you

  7. I think this my first time here. I love the term sponslings! Also I noticed "Life of Pye" on your shelfari, you are the only I know besides myself that has read that book. I loved it!

  8. We have been looking at the windows in this house and are going to caulk them. We are only renting here but the landlord won't spring for things like that. They don't have any more money than we have so we do little things here. You are moving forward with the house prep. It is all good.

  9. Thank you for your comment. I have a million questions for everyone. There are times when I want to know everyone's story, the moment of I'm actually reading the book by Christopher Kenney Lawford :Moments of Clarity. Addicts from every addiction and walk of life describe the moment they knew they had to get help. I can understand getting ahead of the soul...I just am trying to find mine!

  10. Annie, when are you gonna get busy with your life? Enough laziness! It is a bad example for those of us who DO take naps, etc.....

  11. Yes I also loved the idea that sometimes we get ahead of our souls. I was musing that my recent move was a bit like jet lag. Maybe what is in the lag is my soul.

    Good luck with your dehydrator. I have also always wanted one of those. DO post how it works.
