Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday night...

Natural Bridges State Park...somewhere in ole Virginny.....
+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+*+ sweet it is to be back on the computer tonight!   I wasn't gone that long....but it sure has felt like it. And I think as much as anything, it was [is]  that everything is so discombobulated....everything is a mess. Stuff stacked up everywhere. Furniture in the hallway.  I don't do well immersed in this kind of chaos, even for a short time. The good news is that it motivates me to get things finished. The bad news is, I kill myself trying to get it done. lol  There's some major overhaul going on here, folks.  I plan to relocate the bookcases, remove the loveseat, and rearrange some other stuff as well. The computer desk had to go back in the same place, because of the location of the cables and stuff coming in the wall.  Look out world....the change is on the way!!!!    lol

Didn't get much of anything done today  because it was the Area Assembly and I had to make the 1+ hour trip to do my part. We left around 6:30 AM and got home around 4 PM...the Irishman has an infected tooth or something...around a crown, and it's affecting his sinuses on that side of his face. Of course, it started on a Friday evening and has gotten progressively worse. He didn't sleep much last night and has been pretty miserable all day. Poor baby.  He'll be on the phone first thing in the morning.... We're both pretty tired. The Assembly was good. I am also the Public Information chair  for my District, so I attended a workshop on that today.  In 2 weeks I am putting on a sponsorship workshop, following the District meeting.(The Alt DCM is also the workshop chair). I didn't know I would have to chair that meeting as well, or I would have done the workshop  on a different day. Sigh...oh  well....Alt DCM gets to wear a lot of hats from time to time... I'm honored and blessed to get to do it.

When I put my computer back together, after putting the desk back, I couldn't get the monitor to work. It would come on and then immediately power down and go into sleep mode. No picture whatever. I could hear the dang thing running...called my nephew the computer genius and asked if he had any idea what it could be,....he was sweet, but not all that helpful at 9 PM on a Sunday night.  lol  Suggested a few things, and when I hung up, I messed with it a little more and then got a screen to come up....but it was all weird and dark blue and almost unreadable. I putzed around some more and it went away again. The I remembered  that I had a HP monitor in the closet....pulled it out and hooked it up, and it works like a charm. Not sure if maybe it was the cord or what....but I really like this monitor and the display. I think it's bigger than my other one too. So, I hooked it up and away I go.  The only problem I'm having is for some reason I can't seem to get the sound to work.  I'll mess around and figure it out tomorrow when I am not so tired....

The inlaws are coming on Tuesday sometime...I guess I'll roast a chicken for supper and make some french bread and dazzle them with some roasted veggies and a brilliant dessert.  Aldi's has some fantastic vegetable sales this week I'll stock up on some of that and since onions are something crazy like 59 cents for 3 pounds, I'll make some French Onion soup. They also have carrots for 39 cents a package--just in time for me to buy some more for juicing.  WooHoo.  IN fact--maybe I'll make a carrot cake....hmmm....

All the critters are in and sleeping. This morning early we had an altercation between the dogs and something. Could have been a raccoon, but you could sure hear the coyotes yipping and yelling...and so of course that was our first thought  [fear].  Whatever it was, the Jack Russell Terrorist got it, as she came home covered with blood (not hers). The lab was in on it too, and she got a minor scratch across the top of her head. A quick examination showed neither of them to be's hard on a

  I'm off to bed.  Blessing each and every one of you as you begin your new week....



  1. Glad your computer and your critters are doing well. And the Irishman will get better tomorrow. Namaste

  2. I loved that picture of Natural Bridge... I have actually been there! I loved it live too. That was almost twenty years ago, when I was an exchange student in Virginia. :) Ah, the good memories... Thank you so much for sharing! :)

  3. Good Morning, Ronda!! So far, unfortunately, the Irishman seems worse this morning...bless him....and Johanna!! That is so cool! Good morning (or whatever it is on your side of the world!!) to you as well. It was a really beautiful place..that whole Shenandoah Valley...and I think Cabo's over there somewhere, isn't he??

  4. Nothing is worse than a toothache. It takes over completely. I hope he gets it looked at today and hopefully, fixed as well. You do sound a whole lot like the Energizer Bunny, with so much accomplished every day!

  5. It feels good to accomplish a fairly major job like painting a room and rearranging things in it! I know you are actually doing much more than that but that is what it will look was done when you finish. People don't think of all the things that had to be done to make a room look re-done! Good thing you had an extra monitor! I have an iMac and that is it, that is the whole shebang. If it went out I don't have a spare anything. Believe me, I tell this computer every day how much I appreciate it waking up and doing my bidding!!

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