Thursday, January 7, 2010

Wednesday January 6, 2010

The aftermath of last nights took out the computer satellite signal and I couldn't's quite beautiful out there. Even more so, since I don't have to drive anywhere! lol

My birthday was grand...thanks everyone for the wonderful comments and wishes. My baby sister took me to lunch at Dead Lobster(sic) and then we hung out a bit. It was nice. I came home and made peanut butter chicken with jasmine rice for supper and had a very laid back evening.
Husbandman got a speeding ticket on the way home from work, at a well known speed trap in the little town of Wilsonville. He says it was because he was flying home to be with the woman he loves on her birthday, lol, truth be known, he rarely drives the speed limit through these little towns. Maybe he'll be more careful from now on...

Do you know that on planet Starbucks they think a PINT of coffee ice cream will feed FOUR people ???? HAhahahahahahahahahahahahahah...I ate a whole pint myself last night while I was reading The Lacuna. And I have to tell you, that blend of espresso and coffee and sweet ice cream is enough to send you into paroxysmal ecstacy. At least it did me...

My internet connection is a bit sketchy yet this morning, and rather slow. Hopefully I can get this posted before it goes away. We are supposed to have 30 mph wind gusts this afternoon. Right now it is gorgeous out there and dazzlingly, painfully white. Looks like we only got about 4 inches after all, and hubby made it out to work with no problem. The power hasn't gone out (knock wood) and everything is fine as can be. I am thinking about what will be for supper. Probably leftover meatloaf. I could make a brown onion gravy and some mashed potatoes and have hot meatloaf sandwiches. Oooo, that sounds good...

The dogs are clamoring to come back in. My life in a nutshell: let dogs in, let dogs out. Let cats in, let cats out. Vacuum, vacuum, vacuum...

My life is full and happy today. I can see past the irritations and fear most of the time, and it makes for a smooth sail. I am so grateful for all the gifts of friends and family and love and sobriety.

Blessings to all!! I leave you with this lovely quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson:

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters, compared to what lies within us."



  1. What a lovely post. Besides the picture, I could "see" the beauty of the snow.

    For me, ecstasy lies not only in Starbucks ice cream, but even better (I shiver thinking of it) is Dulche de newest favorite ice cream.

    Happy Birthday in case I didn't say so already.

    Blessings and kisses,

  2. Your evening sounds lovely. I particularly enjoyed the bit about the the dogs, the cats and vacuums. It made me smile. Happy birthday! And thanks for stopping by my blog.

  3. I may have to come to your house some day to just eat. Thank you for your comments on my mother situation, I wish I could be more compassionate, she's always bugged me and I wonder what the blankety blank I'm doing.

    Back to the weather, hasn't it just been the windiest winter?

  4. Tabitha...I pushed the tab to publish your post, and it went into the netherworld!! Yes, I did take the photo, and thank's my backyard...

    Thanks everyone for the kindnesses...

  5. Peanut Butter Chicken... really?

    Loved the picture, the worded imagery, and the Emerson quote. :)

  6. ::sigh::

    Your description of the ice cream did me in.

    I love your posts.
