Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Thunderstorms are rolling in...

It's nearing midnight here and the thunderstorms are rolling in. My pals in SoCal have been experiencing gully washers and a friend in Arizona is begging God to stop the rain. lol We are so wet from the snowmelt that rain is likely to be a catastrophe here as well. It's still 40 degrees and has been foggy for 5 days straight now. A damp, chilly foggy forty. Brrrr....

I spent a portion of the morning at the pre-op testing place. It's up by the mall, of all places...I had blood drawn and an EKG done and signed lots of papers saying it's not their fault if they kill me and that I have to pay them anyway, no matter what happens. LOL Got all the stuff filled out and signed and put in the computer. They will match and cross-type my blood, and when I walk in to the hospital next Wednesday, all I have to do is lie down, shut up and hold on. Then I took a drive to pick up some cookbooks from a Freecycle connection,. stopped (for the second time) to pick up prescriptions, and then came home and had lunch and cleaned the holy heck out of my house. I had put some beans and a smoked ham hock in the crockpot that morning, so when I got back, I just had to transfer them into the big pot to finish cooking.

For supper we had my magnificent cornbread (as my Irishman calls it--says it's the best on this continent!), and brown rice and beans. I cooked about half and half black beans and great northerns together. Thinking, of course that it would look cool. Forgetting, of course, that when black beans cook, the color leaches out onto everything. So, instead of a pot of black and white beans, I got a pot of grayish purple beans. But they did taste REALLY good...I always cook them with a little onion, a little bay leaf, some garlic, and lots of black pepper and sea salt.
It's a satisfying, nutritious meal.

Thought I was ready to go visit the tax fairy tomorrow, but it seems I still am missing one W2 form...damn! Now I have to get up early and call's one month of wages...aarrggghhhh....

Have some company coming around 3. Have to run one errand before then. Good thing the house is pretty much cleaned. lol

I haven't been sleeping well....that said, I slept a bit (fitfully) last night, and when I did finally doze off, I had a hellish nightmare. I was awakened by my Irishman saying "Wake up, you're okay. Wake's a dream..." and I could hear him, but I couldn't quite pull myself to the surface of it all. I was crying and face and pillow were soaked. He kept holding me and saying, It's okay...but I was paralyzed and couldn't move. I was being beaten to death by a man with a (golf?) club, he was beating me to a pulp and I couldn't get away from him. I could feel the blows raining down on me, and there was blood everywhere. My face was unrecognizable. I kept saying to my husband, I can't move, I can't move... and I'm telling arms were weighed down and my legs wouldn't move either. I lay there terrified for about 10 minutes...I could barely breathe...

Maybe sleep isn't all it's cracked up to be.

I don't have nightmares very often, but when I do, they're doozies.

Maybe before I go to bed tonight, I'll go read XXXXXX post about Unicorns pooping cupcakes. That should change the direction of a dream... LOL

Big cracks of thunder now,...time to shut off Le 'Puter!!!



  1. Your blogs always make me hungry and I want to just jump into my computer and end up in the food you're describing. I can always almost taste it. Your grayish purple beans sound marvelous.

    Love you,

  2. I enjoy reading about you, your irishman, your cooking and your life. I'm so glad our trails have crossed.

  3. Wow, now that's some nightmare. I wonder if it's from anxiety? Anyway, I am keeping you in my thoughts as you go through this ordeal, Akannie. And I also look forward to your adventure told in your inimical style.

  4. You have a clean house and you are a good cook and you have a loving Irishman who likes your cooking and wakes you when you have nightmares and you have lots of friends and you have done all the right things to be prepared for the surgery next week. I am in awe of all this. And I truly wish you the best success with the whole experience next week. Hugs.
