Friday, January 8, 2010

Friday January 8, 2010

OOPs...forgot to take the birdbath down. Good thing it's about 200 pounds of concrete.

It snowed a good part of the day today, and even better than that, the winds kicked up and blew all the snow out of the fields and across our road. So, the road we drove home on was 10x more treacherous than the one we'd driven out on earlier in the morning. It aided in the decision to just stay in tonight. So, we both skipped our usual Friday night meetings.

This morning we left with all intentions of buying me a set of French Bread pans at the restaurant supply store, or at the Chef's store. Then we were getting some groceries and stopping for some lunch before coming back to the ranch. Luckily, I called the supply place first to make sure they were open. They were and the guy that answered the phone said he had never heard of French bread pans, and so was sure they didn't carry them. (???) Alrighty, then. The Chef's Store, on the other hand, carries them but are currently out (big Christmas item, apparently). We wandered around the store which is beautiful and ridiculously over-priced on every single item they carry (because they are a CHEF'S STORE). *snork The pans are my birthday present from husbandman. So he was all hung up on buying me something from this store, and I practically had to have him sedated and removed from the premises. I'm sorry, but I just cannot allow that. I think the only thing I have EVER bought from one of those stores was my brulee torch, and only because I couldn't find one anywhere else. I asked the store person how much the pans were, and she went into a big elaborate explanation of how they are Chicago blah,blah,blah...only the very best perforated nonstick pans, blah blah blah. I told her she could stop right there, because I wasn't buying anything nonstick, but thanks. She hollered after me as I left..."$32.95...they're only $32.95!!!!!"

Anyway, then we left and went to our favorite little Chinese place, The Orient, for lunch. We had a soup-for-two called Special Soup or was marvelous. A rich broth with scallops, shrimp, crab, mushrooms, carrots and onions. We had a small order of fried dumplings. And we ordered the Seafood and Tofu Pot...a delightful covered dish of dark Hunan sauce full of chunks of braised tofu, crab, shrimp and scallops, and of course, steamed rice. We ate almost all of was heavenly.

We came home and I went online and found exactly the pan I was looking for, Italian Bread Pan...for NINE dollars. Yup, nine dollars. plus shipping of course, which brought it up to about 15 dollars. So I am very happy, needless to say.

I grilled chicken breasts on my little Hamilton Beach grill (like a Foreman, only cheaper). I marinated them in an Italian dressing, in honor of the bread pans, and served them over a beautiful Caesar salad, with artichoke hearts and grilled onions on the side. Food fit for a king (of my heart).

We watched a movie tonight called "Things We Lost in The Fire" with Halle Berry and Benecio del Toro. It was a big time tear jerker and a beautiful love story. If you've not seen it, DO.

It's past time for me to be in bed. I have been f-ing around with Shelfari for an hour or more. I am so grateful for the miracle of love and of sobriety in my life. I am so grateful that I can read and am in a position to own books and get books. I am so blessed to be loved by a wonderful man who would walk through fire for me.

(See--when I am overly tired, I get all mushy about things like love...) lol.

It's 7 degrees with a minus 5 wind chill factor right now. I'm gonna go climb in that big bed, under that wonderful quilt and lay as close to my sweetheart as I can manage. And say a prayer for him and his happiness and his health and his welfare. I cannot imagine my life without him in it.



  1. Well that meal just sounds wonderful. Now I'm going to have to look and see what a french bread pan is because I have no idea (grin). Love looking at the views from your home...looks beautiful. Enjoy this frozen weekend.


  2. Referring back to a few posts ago, you wrote you had peanut butter chicken. It sounded so interesting that daughter went internet recipe hunting. Ended up last night (in your honor) making a peanut butter marinade for chicken I grilled on my George Foreman grill. Wow was it wonderful.

    Still loving every snow picture you post.

    I even went out and bought some wood at our local grocery store since we are having 'really' cold weather for south Florida. I have a real fireplace and haven't used it for probably more than 10 years. Hope to fire it up today.


  3. Your frugality and your love for your mate are two things I can related to. I no longer bake or cook since dear one took over those chores, but I do like to lie as close to him as the the beagles will let me. And I also would have gone online and saved myself a bundle of dough!

  4. This is one of the very best posts I have ever read. You never ever ramble on, you move at a good clip, you share in an open manner and even have online info about finding the bread pan at a better price than the fancy higher priced store. Smart lady. And by the way, I wanna eat at your house, you fix yummy stuff. The last paragraph moved me tremendously. Hugs to you and your sweetheart.

  5. What a great post! So glad that you walked on the big Chef and found such a deal online.

    And what a tribute to such a fine man!

    Much Love to you and yours.

  6. I was not able to get into the Eat/Pray/Love book but heard an NPR interview w/her on new book coming out called Committed. It's about marraige which is part memoir, part research project.She called it 'Darwinian' that somehow marraige prevails, people pursue it and persevere with it. I am glad that you are happy and although I am nowhere near re-matrimony, you never know, God has a sense of humor.

    Speaking of, your word verification has me typing 'dipme', sounds baptismal!

  7. That sounds like a fine day, indeed. (Loved the sedation line. HA!) 7 degrees? Ouch! I think my toes just turned black reading it.
