Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Wednesday December 2nd

This was me this morning. After one night of less than 2 hours sleep and then last night with only about 4, I was whipped. It is barely 11 PM now and I am falling asleep at the keyboard.

We are having or first snowfall of the year tonight, it started around 7 and has been falling ever since. However,the ground is still way too warm for it to stick really, although the weather guys were insisting it would be our first accumulating snow. Jokes on them.

I had a rough day, had to take my cat to the vet and have him put to sleep. He's been sick and the vet diagnosed him with cancer. It was the best thing to do for him. Not so much for me. But today I can do the right thing and I just have to feel blessed to have had him as long as I did. He was a very sweet cat, and the sicker he got, the sweeter he got. Then when I got home from that, I learned that my lab Lucy has hurt her foot/leg and is limping badly. At first I wanted to cry, but managed to pull it together and check her out. I think it's only a sprain, and if it isn't better by Friday, I will take her to the vet. I am blessed to be an animal caretaker...

My sponsling has moved into the little studio apartment on the back of my house. So far, so good. She'll stay there until she can get back on her feet. Hopefully not more than a few months. :)

Another sponsling moved into her own apartment today. She is sober quite a while and is especially grateful. It's a cute little place too, I went over this afternoon and took her a shower curtain and rod.

God is good.

We watched a movie I ordered from Netflix and it was a French film called The Vanishing. I didn't see that it as in French with English subtitles. We had a good laugh over that and watched it while we ate dinner. It was a freaky film about a psychopath.

I think I really am going to have to hit the hay. Pooped. Have a grand day, all y'all... or evening. Or whenever it is that you're reading this. lol



  1. Hugs and sympathy on the loss of your beloved cat.

  2. awwww, so sorry to hear about your beloved cat. Hope your day is better today. Blessings, dear one.

  3. Sorry about your cat. Was it Sammy?


  4. Hope you rested well. It's good to see families of recovery lineage growing and succeeding. It's a testament to God's good and loving power.

  5. Hi darlin'. Just checking in and I am wishing you some restful sleep the remainder of the week...

  6. May you and your sponslings sleep tight and have sweet dreams.


  7. Thanks for your nano good will, sorry about your kitty.

  8. I know your pain of losing your old cat friend. Some hurtful things you just have to walk through. My aunt later rescued four abandoned kittens, nursed them for five weeks, and I now have two beautiful kittens running around with the three beagles. The house is a joy.
