Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tuesday December 22, 2009

...I started out this day feeling alright...a little off maybe, but basically okay. It was all down hill from there.

Feeling sick at my stomach all day, nauseous and dizzy, actually. A stomach bug of some sort. Slept a little while and still don't feel well. Yuck.

Made a chicken and rice casserole for supper, with a side salad of organic romaine, walnuts and gorgonzola cheese. It was yummy and I was famished. Husbandman brought home some ginger ale for me and I've been sipping at it all evening. I had a long To-Do list for today and got almost none of it done. I have things to do tomorrow (chiro and lunch with a sponsling) that I will not be doing if I still feel like this. I feel like going to bed now.

Supposed to be a storm front coming in tonight, but it's still almost 40 degrees out there. Hoping it will pass to the north of us.

I really should go to bed....it's just that I haven't posted in so long I hate to go. lol

I'll be back tomorrow....



  1. Oh, poor baby, glad that you have a good person helping you. Your support during Nanowrimo will be remembered by me for a very long time!

  2. Yum for the delicious comfort food!

    God be with you and keep you healing!


  3. So sorry dear one to hear you are not feeling well. I hope the bug is moving on and you are feeling a bit better and your chiro and sponsling meeting went well.

    I love ginger ale when I don't feel well...sending you love and warm healing energy.

    xo Gabi

  4. Hope you're feeling better now. jeNN
