Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wednesday wocks!

Had a lovely day, went to a speaker meeting and am back home and getting ready to turn in. I have a 13 pound turkey in the roaster on low, and will let it go all night. Tomorrow is the conflicted interests and I am going to the class. I am also cooking the turkey for the AA dinner. I'll take it out to the meeting room in the afternoon and leave it there. I have to make a pasta dish for the potluck for the class too...thinking a nice ziti casserole. It has to be vegetarian, but that's no problem. I have lots of cheeses and black olives and onions and garlic...maybe I'll look for some artichoke hearts too to throw in. I probably have some in the pantry. I'm trying to decide if I want to make a garlic bread to go with it. I'll have plenty of time to do it, I guess.

I am reading a new book...written in 2001 by a New York author named Jonathan Franzen the back flap says ..." A comic, tragic epic stretching from the Midwest of the midcentury to the Wall Street and Eastern Europe of today. The Corrections brings an old fashioned world of civic virtue and sexual inhibitions into violent collision with the era of home surveillance, hands-off parenting, do-it-yourself mental health care and globalized greed." Even the jacket blurb sounds frantic, doesn't it? lol I'll let you know if I can finish it. I hope so.

It's chilly again tonight...41 now. I am getting up to take himself to work in the morning, so I do need to hit the hay soon. I'm trying to decide whether to turn the heater on again....maybe on low. The roaster will heat things up some too.

Today I got some things cleaned up, but I still don't have those damned pumpkins out. I did sweep out front though. Maybe tomorrow....I need to make some soapy water and wash down the little table out there as well as the green rocking chairs. Everything is muddy. The ashtray (a small aluminum bucket of sand) is filled full and needs emptying. There's a dead pansy sitting there. The windows need cleaning. Maybe

I got most of my list done, but still haven't found the glue gun. Guess a trip to Walmart is in the works. I'd like to get my wreath done and hung.

I'm finding myself living right in the middle of the third step a lot lately. This is a very good thing.

I found a little quote that says: There is no key to happiness. The door is always open.
I like this!

Alrighty...I'm trundling off to bed. Sweet dreams to you all....



  1. Whew, sounds like a busy day! Get some rest, tomorrow awaits. Sweet dreams :)

  2. Your life always sounds so peaceful to me, then I realize it's alot like mine!
    I've been doing the little chores around the house as the weather turns cold and I've been looking at projects to make for the holidays also. Great minds think alike! jeNN

  3. Annie, your life is good. A life well lived. I have chores awaiting me too, with weddings coming up, visits from family next week, holidays to ponder. I put a little on my plate each day so I can accomplish something along with the enjoyment of just living life. Today's weird chore is to get my mother's Do Not Resuscitate form signed and delivered to her assisted-living home. Come visit me sometime. I love your comments.

  4. JeNN that's great! My life is becoming more like this as I let go of faulty thinking and expecations...etc.

    Great post...good things to think about..

    Love you
