Sunday, November 1, 2009

Novembers first Sunday

Late late and I should be in bed...but I have 2 very naughty dogs outside that won't come in the house. I've called them 3 times...there's something out there and dogs far and wide are all barking...and of course, the Kelley dogs don't want to miss anything! It's about 40 degrees outside and I can't believe they are still out there. The bad news for them is this: they are about to be left out all night.

Had a good day today, mostly. I still haven't found my glue gun though. It's starting to annoy me...there are only so many places it can be. I can't finish up my wreath until I find the damned thing. Arrgghhh...

We watched Good Night and Good Luck...Clooney's film about newsman Edward R. Murrow taking on Joe McCarthy...that crazy commie hunter. How different the world is now, eh? And that man struck terror into the hearts of so many and trashed so many people's careers...can't help but be reminded of a certain set of circumstances in recent years...God help us. Maybe some things are not so different after all...

I have a very busy week ahead. I made out my November desk calendar this's pretty full. I am blessed to have a good busy life and to be able to do what little I do. I was thinking I need to pencil in a day for shampooing my living room I also have closets that need cleaning and arranging and cupboards that are in the same boat. All things I keep putting off doing...the pantries need inventorying and straightening. The mud room needs an overhaul. Makes me tired just thinking about it all. I hope I can find the energy to get some painting done this winter. Especially this office and the hallways. Things are starting to look like they are 5 years lived in by now.

Patrick is down with a bug...sore throat, stuffy head and congestion in his chest. He has taken it pretty easy this weekend...hopefully he'll be able to shrug it off quickly. He said he feels better after napping a lot today, maybe it will be enough. I saw the bedroom light on a minute ago though and it's after midnight. Could have been from the dogs barking...

I'm off to bed. Looking back over my day and seeing a few places where I could have been kinder and more tolerant, and certainly more patient. Thanking my Creator that I was able to make all my mistakes today sober. Grateful to get another chance tomorrow to be better than I was today.

God's got a deal for drunks that don't drink.



  1. Rest well and have a beautiful Monday, if that's possible *grin*

  2. Everything is better sober! :) Even the most mundane tasks in the world take on a significance.


  3. Good morning, Annie, from another grateful sober drunk. Your chore list made me tired just reading it. I should paint my entry and hallways too. But I'm going to a meeting instead. ((smile))
    Blessings on your day.

  4. I am still stuffing daughter's furniture and all kinds of belongings into every nook and cranny I can find. She's entering treatment Wednesday morning. She's frightened. I was so broken when I ended up in treatment, I didn't know what to feel. I just moved ahead one step at a time. I know God was guiding me each moment and surely He is guiding her too.

    40 degrees, huh? We're still in the upper 80s. Send a little coolness our way, please!

    Love and prayers,
