Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Wednesday around town...

Little G-Rod enjoying the beauty of autumn... This is a tree I brought with me from North Carolina when I moved here. I dug that baby up and toted it right on over here. It was a gift from a friend's yard. Thanks, Kim!!

I am grateful for an especially wonderful day. I am long tired and worn out, but it was a good day, all in all. I got to pass on a message of hope, attend a meeting, have lunch with nice people and learn some important lessons. It doesn't get any better than that...

Tonight we had a blazing orange sunset that hung low beneath a horizon of cloud bank. It was spectacular. I love sunsets. I am absolutely head over heels in love with color this time of year. Look at that red's brilliant. The golds and oranges of the sugar maples are breathtaking. The brown of the dirt getting ready for a winters nap is earthy and satisfying. I was listening to the radio this morning in the car, and they were playing a song called Everybody has a hungry heart...I have a hungry heart for beauty and for nature and for love. I wouldn't have it any other way.

I pulled off the road to watch a flock of cattle egrets in a field today. They are in the process of harvesting fields around these parts and the weather is not cooperating. Our one day of rain has turned into far. The stubble of the cornfields full of crows and egrets moves me. This time of year, we get to see streaming flocks of blackbirds, sometimes in a swath a hundred feet wide and 2 miles long. Bazillions of them, gliding and swooping and doing their graceful acrobatics just for me. I pull off the road to watch them sometimes, they are so amazing. Our winter birds are slowly reappearing and I need to see how much suet I have to put out. I am going to try making homemade suet this year too...

Feeling grateful and blessed has made a world of difference in the way I look at everything from my life to the world around me. What a gift, eh?



  1. Yes the Hokey Pokey is what it's all about. being fifty six the same as I ... thought you would know this already. winks@U .. Thanks for stopping by This Blog Of Mine and leaving a comment we love them here. have a great rest of the week a blogger friend.

  2. Speaking of birds, I see a lot more Trumpeter Swans this year than I remember from other years. Maybe just noticing them more.

    The Sun coming up or setting moves me too.

  3. Definitely a gift! What a heartwarming post. Thank you :)

  4. Your light shines brightly here. Great inspirational post. We had our first frost last night here in Calif, which means the trees should really be turning soon. I loved that you stopped to watch the egrets. I wrote a post the other day with a poem about how an egret saved me. Being aware of God's earthly beauty is truly a gift.
    Blessings to you,
    Chris A
