Friday, October 2, 2009

Thursday night Musings won't be long before the eagles come back....

I started this last night, in the wee hours, after getting home from the speaker meeting, but it was stormy and the satellite signal kept going away. It was late and I was tired and finally ran out of patience and energy and went to bed. I had to get up early this morning to head to another meeting that I had agreed to chair. And now, I am home and ready to catch up...God willing. It's still very windy and brisk today...temps hovering around 60 and feeling like 40. Overcast and grey. I thought about coming home and mowing, but it looks ominous out there, so maybe I'll just focus on the house today. After I eat. lol

We had a good turnout for our little speaker meeting and chili potluck. Surprisingly enough, I only brought home about a quart of the 3 gallons or so of the white chili I made. More than half of the vegetarian black bean chili was eaten too. And there were 2 other regular chilis there as well. The speaker was a young dynamic woman who did a great job. A good time was had by all.

After everything was cleaned up and everyone gone home, I took my little sponsling who just lost her job out for coffee to the IHOP, where we talked for about 2 hours. She was heartened by the speaker as well as several other women who shared their ESH with her. She admitted she was glad I made her come. lol

I love the magic that happens in Alcoholics Anonymous. I love watching lives transformed, families reunited, and people recover from that soul sickness of addiction. I love that I get to carry a message of hope today and not live in the problems of life. One of the most enlightening things I ever learned was that I COULD change myself...even though I could not change you, or the world. That I could fit myself to be of service. That I could be a part of the world of recovery and be a productive member of the world again.

I am especially blessed to be sober today. When I think of all the things I balked at when I was new here, it makes me wonder how I ever hung around long enough to actually dry out.

God's got a deal for drunks that don't drink. It's really that simple.



  1. I had the great opportunity to watch a Bald Eagle in flight on one of my drives recently. I am in awe that we have them around here now. Now we have all kinds of animals around that weren't here when I was a kid. Bald Eagles are amazing and I am delighted when I see them, which is more and more. Cool huh? jeNN

  2. Your last line said it all. Its there for the asking. We just need to show up.

    I love, love, LOVE a good speaker meeting. Got my medallion at one last night.

  3. Sounds like the turnout for your "little" speaker meeting and chili potluck all came with great appetites. :)

    I love hearing stories of recovery.

    Love you,

  4. Glad for your warm words on your blog and in your comments. Apparently our Natalie also has a book out called Wild Mind and a book of her art work called Living Color, I'm going to request them through the library.
