Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Wednesdays wandering

LOL...Remember this? I had to post it again when I saw it in my pictures because it never fails to make me laugh out loud.

The end of a productive day. I am grateful that I am a list maker...there's nothing so satisfying as marking a line through things I have accomplished in the course of the day. Today I cleaned carpets and changed sheets and dug potatoes. I did a little grocery shopping too. And now it is late and I am ready for bed.

I got a call at about 11PM...a sponsling wanting to know if I had a recipe for a Gooey Butter Cake. LMAO...she wants to make one in the morning. I didn't, but I do have a computer, so I found a recipe on Paula Deen's website that looked pretty good. While I was at it, I looked up the recipe for gooey butter cookies as well, and printed both of them out for ME. Nopt sure when I'll make them, but at least I have the information. lol

Tomorrow will be a full day....the speaker /potluck is at 6...a Mexican Fiesta! I only have to chop tomatoes, lettuce, onions...bring sour cream and shredded cheese. Because it is one of my sponslings' birthday (4 years Yippee!!) I will also be baking her a cake. So...I really was going to bake it tonight, but I'm too tired, so it'll have to be first thing in the morning. And then while it is in the oven, I'll finish straightening up the house a bit and get some French Onion Soup going. Have a sponsling coming at noon to do a bit of step work for a couple of hours, and then we'll go on to the meeting. We'll have some soup and bread for lunch. As weird as the weather is for this time of year....I love it because soup's a perfect meal. Today was about 72 again.

My sister is coming from Florida this weekend. It was supposed to be Friday, but now she's changed it to Saturday. It will be what it will be. One of the best gifts I have gotten from sobriety is that my happiness is never contingent on someone else's actions. LOL. I think I will get one of the turkey breasts out of the freezer (I bought several when they were .99 cents a pound!!) and put it in the roaster on Friday night. We can have sandwiches or whatever...whenever she happens to arrive. Voila! Problem solved. lol

I am feeling a lot of gratitude today. (And not just because we have water!!).
  • Grateful that I have a house that's just the right size that I can manage!
  • Grateful that I have family that loves me.
  • Grateful that I have food to share, an expression of love for me.
  • Grateful to have a social life.
  • Grateful that I have hobbies, and that my life is NEVER boring.
  • Grateful that I don't have to drink today (this is huge!).
  • Grateful that I know that I can do ANYTHING for 24 hours.
  • Grateful for the 5 gallon bucket of lovely fingerling potatoes I dug in my garden today.
  • Grateful to live a life of elegant blessings and grace.
  • Especially blessed to have found friends in recovery who blog!!
  • Grateful for the good nights sleep I am heading off to.......



  1. " One of the best gifts I have gotten from sobriety is that my happiness is never contingent on someone else's actions."

    Ain't it the truth. NOTE TO SELF: Remember this ALL the time, Steve.

    Thanks, Annie. Love.

  2. You know I just always love your perspective on life, sobriety, all of it...I cannot thank you enough!

    I hope that your dinner went well, and wow to 4 years!

    Life is what it is no matter what I may think!

    Love you,
