Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday's Tidbits

A beautifully laid back kind of a day...and I should have been in bed hours ago, yet here I sit.

After the craziest weekend I've had in years...I decided today was an "Annie" day. I talked to a minimum of people, listened to music, played on the computer, made pesto with some organic basil someone brought me, baked bread and made soup.

One of my dear sponslings celebrated 6 months today. She is ecstatic. Anothers 14 year old son wound up in the ER with alcohol poisoning on Sunday night. Another went on a short spree. All around, I'm grateful to be me and to be pretty much past all that early sobriety hell. lol

Found out last night that Greg Mortenson (Three Cups of Tea) is coming here to Alton in October. I think I will go see him. Such an endeavor...if you haven't read his book about building schools in Pakistan, do so now. Incredibly inspiring. If you still think that one person can't make a difference....read his book. He has been nominated for a Nobel Peace prize too, and should hear the same time he will be here. I'm excited...can you tell?

My pesto turned out wonderfully....followed a recipe from the Moosewood Cookbook (Molly Katzen). I cooked portabella mushroom stuffed rigatoni with the pesto on it for supper. Along with a piece of warm from the oven bread with butter. It was heavenly. There's enough left over to have a cuple of more meals, or a lot of slices of bread with it all schmeared on top. YUM...

The Festival of Faiths and Cultures was phenomenal. No other word for it. The stage performances were magnificent...African drummers and dancers, Bulgarian folk dancers, Hula dancers, German dancers. Native American storytellers. Childrens programs galore. Booths and tables from everything from the St. Louis Museum of Art to Kenya wood carvings. Every relligion you can name in attendance. Beautiful people in native garb, smiling and chattering and loving the perfect weather on a perfect day. A man handing out copies of the Kabbalah newspaper, women from the Taiwan Buddhist booth handing out vegetarian food and recipes. A table of nuns from the Franciscan Sisters order with a table full of green cleaners and printouts on everything from composting to compact flourescent bulbs. I was in heaven.

Sunday I was at the Area 21 Assembly in Vandalia all day...acting as DCM, giving our report, bidding for the next fall assembly. We had a great time arguing about stuff and visiting with each other and eating a great catered lunch. I came home with all kinds of goodies to take to next Sunday District Meeting. lol

Enough...I have to get in bed. Last night it was 3 AM before I made it....I swore to myself that wasn't happening tonight. I really meant to be there an hour ago! lol

I am blessed to have this sober life of mine.



  1. The sort of day we all should give ourselves more often. Well done, you!

  2. Beautiful! Just beautiful!

    The verification word to leave this comment is surnicat...that should be a real word with a definition...

    surnicat: a surly but nice cat?

  3. You are so full of light and love and grace. you are inspiring.
    I live very near Moosewood and being a vegetarin,eat there often.jeNN

  4. Busy, busy. Wonderfully busy, Annie! It is FUN to read you.

    About sleep.........oh sh*t. Every night I swear to myself that I'll be IN bed by midnight--and it just never is happening. I thought "on the road" would be different. Noooo!

    Peace and Love to you and your family

  5. Reading you is so calming right now -- and I adore that Moosewood cookery book!


  6. Rest is much underrated as a sobriety tool. Wonderful stuff in your weekend, and a blessed day for rest. The meal sounded delicious. I also should be in bed for the morning's labors, but am stoked from my latest poetry reading in the college town south of here. I'm grateful I stayed sober, and could enjoy such a beautiful Sunday. Have a blessed day.

  7. I hope you write about Greg Mortenson and his talk. I read the book and was very inspired by it.
