Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tuesdays Treat

Whaddaya think?? High Alert Guard Cats??

Tonight was our potluck for the last class of the Sustainability classes....an early evening soiree at the home of the ballet teacher in the class. It was a lovely cozy little place with all kinds of exciting things to look at and I felt right at home there. She had a gazillion little icicle lights up in the yard, draped over branches and in between trees and across porches...it was really lovely. She has a stove that I covet...an old gas ring/ wood cookstove...one of the little ones that are so adorable. We had a great time, and as usual, the food was marvelous. We had fresh peach pie and hpomemade ice cream. We had ratatouille. There was a yellow squash, onion and parmesan cheese casserole that was to die for. A gorgeous veggie lasagna. 3 kinds of homemade bread, with herb butter, a pesto spread, and a spread made with garlic, feta cheese, and roasted red peppers. An orzo salad. A chicken salad. A tortellini pasta salad. And, of course, my green beans. We ate like royalty...and way too much!

We have decided the next class is to be Deep Ecology and will meet on Monday nights, starting September 14th.

It's been a long fruitful day. Tonight, I am, especially grateful for:

  • Spending time with my baby sister. And helping her with stuff.
  • Food, friends and fellowship.
  • My own organic gardens.
  • The love of puppies when you come home after being gone all day.
  • Sponslings...of all sorts and places in sobriety.
  • Watching the bottle of Lambrusco being passed at dinner...and NOT thinking "Wouldn't it be nice..."
  • Knowing that Fred the Dog has a good home at last.
  • Getting 3 good books for 50 cents apiece at Pappy's Market. Lawrence Block, Iris Johansen, and John Sandford.
  • Knowing that tomorrow, I don't have to do a darn thing! Mostly.
  • Having a blog and having a computer and having some rudimentary skills.
  • Accidently having "locked" my cell phone in my back closet in my pants pocket...
  • Knowing that if I do tomorrow what I did today...there's a really good chance I will stay sober.
  • Being Happy, Joyous and Free.
Off to see the Sandman!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Well, those sleeping cats--it is obvious they did not yet have their morning coffee--pass the sugar, please.
