Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The last Tuesday in August...

I know...I know.... it's looking like the only photos I can find today are the ones...


Am I giddy with the thought of doing laundry at home again? Oh, yeah.
Am I especially blessed thinking of being able to wash dishes in nothing flat? Uh, huh.
Am I delirious just contemplating shampooing my carpets???? I certainly am !
Am I dreaming of shampooing my dogs?? hmmm....they sure need it!

Tonight I will no doubt dream of the lovely sound of flushing toilets....

Miss Molly McGee has managed to hurt her back leg again. I'm not sure if she got herself into a tussel with another dog (not likely) or has jumped down into one of the water trenches and bruised it. I can't find anything stuck in her paw. There don't seem to be any broken bones. But she's walking around (and running!) on 3 legs and so something has obviously happened. She's such a little adventuress that it could have been anything, anywhere.

I got the juice made today (Cleanup is a nightmare!). I filled all the hummingbird feeders. I swept the front porch and walls down. Did a tiny bit of gardening and spent a short amount of time reading as supper cooked. I made a vegetarian dish tonight with quinoa, carrots, red beans, garlic, onions, okra, green beans and peppers. It was quite tasty, if I do say so myself. Trying to get back on the track of eating more and more vegetarian meals. Purposeful eating.

Blessings abound today. Stayed home all day and tomorrow will be a different story. Need to stop and see my sister, pick up some stuff for husband, and pick up a few groceries. I'll go to the 8PM meeting I've been attending. It's a good evening mtg for me to go to, since about 4-5 of my sponslings always go to that one. We have a lot of fun. I want to get out in the studio and make a thank you card for the woman in the class that hosted the potluck last week, too. It'll make for a busy day. I also have a sponsling who had surgery that I need to try to see. Sigh...just not enough hours in the day sometimes...

I've started reading the Stephen King book that my friend sent, Dumas Key. It's good so far....only about 70 pages into it.

Life's a dance...when you know the Steps.



  1. Ah, enjoy the constant liquid refreshment from your new water lines! And I do hope Miss Molly Mcgee will be all right.

  2. I love to dance and learning the steps again thank goodness we have the ability to be teachable.

    mmmm your dinner sounds amazing.

    Wish I could be there and be one of your sponslings in person.

    Woo hoo for water!

    Hope baby gets well and her leg heals soon!

  3. I love Stephen King and I read that book. It was really good. Kept me reading. It was strange, weird, as his books always are.

    I love running water so I'm following the progress of your water lines being put in. :)


  4. Ah, the wonderful sound of toilet flushing, modern life at it's finest. Thank you for your encouragement, I am on the mend.

    I bet doggy will be fine.
