Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Another Wicked Wednesday


I am being nibbled to death by the 7 Dwarves of menopause, for some reason...especially itchy and sweaty. And I cannot sleep and so I guess I'm gonna try one of those over the counter remedies for the insomnia and hot flashes and night sweats. First thing tomorrow. This is crazy.

Maybe it's TMI (too much information) but I don't care. lol For crying out loud, I had a hysterectomy over 20 years ago. Is this s&^t EVER going to stop ???? I've been going through this for 2 decades. There oughtta be a law....


Ah....and back to the pleasant part of our program.....teehee...

There are now NO signs of the blue's all been laid to rest and covered up. My husband moved the stake so that they will dig a straight trench to the water hookups for the house. Apparently they will actually bring it to within 5 feet of the house. That will save us a LOT of $$ with the plumber. I guess he talked to the water people today on his lunch hour. However...I am skeptical about it, as you have to really look to see where he moved it, and the guy has already been up and down our driveway several times. I hope that I'm home the next time he comes, just in case. The thing is, I KNOW men....they can't even find their clean socks in the clean socks drawer. And I am afraid he's hidden it too well out there...even if the guy is an engineer type. *grin

I made juice today for the next 5 days. And made an incredible mess as well. lol It's just a messy job, there's no getting around it. Cucumbers, celery, carrots, red apples, pineapple and lemons. Tastes quite yummy. The clean-up afterwards is especially tough with no running water. But, as usual, I managed it. Supper tonight was....rice and romano cheese and oregano and butter stuffed baked zucchini with a medley of garden veggies: green beans, okra, carrots, peppers and mushrooms. I also dug and steamed some fingerling potatoes, served hot with butter and fresh ground black pepper. I'm still full....and it's almost midnight. lol

Lost my checkbook back on the first of the month, and didn't realize it until today. It dropped as I was getting in the car at Pappy's Market, and only had my old house phone number on the checks, so he couldn't figure out how to call me, he said, and was just waiting for me to come in again for dogfood...he knew that wouldn't be long. lol We only have cell numbers now, and they aren't listed anywhere...

Time for me to count my blessings, count some sheep and try to get about 5 hours sleep before I have to get my day going. Just got a call from the hysterical mother of the hysterical sponsee (who, according to mom, is drunk again and off on a motorcycle with some guy). I said, Uh, excuse me--it's 11:45 PM...what do you think I am going to do? I'm going to bed, and suggest you do the same. lol

Thank goodness, I don't have to live that insane drunken life ever again. Thank goodness I have built a support system of women that I listen to and can talk to when life gets crazy. Thank Goodness I have solutions that exceed the power of scotch.

Thank goodness....



  1. Anybody who lives in an area where they can go to a store called 'pappys market', drop a checkbook and have it returned at a later date is living in a very blessed part of the world. Wow! That place is only in my dreams.

  2. Solutions that exceed the power of Scotch -- yes indeed!

    Love to you and I hope that menopausal racket calms down. I get the same thing --

    xxMary LA

  3. I call it "mental pause" LOL! Isn't it fun?
    Dinner sounded yummy. I love this time of year, everything fresh and delicious!
    Amazing how powerful the disease is. Her mother is sucked in too.jeNN

  4. You are such a lucky lady - no matter the circumstances - you handle the good and the bad using the tools of our beautiful AA program.

    Love you,


  5. Oh, those dwarves like to dance around my bed as well. Not so bad lately, it helps that almost everyone that I work with is going through the same thing. There is comfort in community so it was not TMI in my book!

  6. I hear ya sister! No hysterectomy for me yet, so there's a wonderful light at the end of my very long tunnel. I hope.

  7. Oh hell yess on the Power Higher than the bottle of scotch.

  8. Just stopping by to say "HI". Found you following daddyBstrong.



  9. Ah...Solomon...thanks for stopping by. Tried to visit you as well, but the gate is closed. lol
    I am blessed, in the rural US, out in the cornfields of Illinois...I am reminded every day that it IS indeed a different world out here. I lit out of here in 1975, determined to taste the world and leave this place in the dust. lol Came back 5 year ago almost to settle my weary bones back down in said dust. Funny how life goes, isn't it?

    Jenn--I love that, as there certainly do seem to be gaps in the mental from time to time. I just use those pauses for a nap. lol Taken any new trips lately? Weren't you heading upstate?

    PG-Blessed indeed , God's got a DEAL for drunks that don't drink...xoxox

    Mary, Carol and Lydia--let's start a club!! LOL

    HIya, Zane.....good to see you out and about!! xoxox
