Thursday, July 23, 2009

Tickle Me Thursday...

The Posse...

A long Thursday winding down at last. They look like I feel tonight. lol

Tornado sirens going off tonight as we sat outside gabbing right before the womens meeting. It rained like crazy there (15 minutes south of me) and seemed a little intense for a minute. Later, as I drove up this way, the roads were dry as a bone. Go figure...

The newly planted irises could have used a drink of water...

Too tired to write tonight, and am heading off to bed. I'll revisit this post in the morning, 'cause I'm SURE there's something that needs saying. *wink My brain is just a lumpy grey mass right I shall bid thee adieu! And be off...

*************************************************** I TOLD you I'd be back this morning..well, sort of--it's 3 PM now... Unfortunately, there is nothing left to say, as it's all been said. That being said, I'll let you know one true thing I know...

The program of Alcoholics Anonymous has never let me down. the people have let me down sometimes, but the program of action and living has not once ever yet let me down.

'Nuff said.


  1. I'll revisit this post tomorrow, because I'm sure there's SOMETHING need sayin'....................Yeah!

  2. Good-night to you and "the Posse".


  3. Yeah, people. Unreliable, fickle, self centred and oh so opinionated! So who has more fun than people?

    Wabbit's, of course!
