Friday, July 31, 2009

Fridays Finish

Here we are...the 31st day of July. Tomorrow starts another month...

Went to a meeting tonight and the topic was acceptance. Heard some good things and some interesting things...but this drunk was in good company. About 15 of us stayed sober one more day.

Had an interesting Reikki encounter this evening. A friend that I didn't even know practiced this offered to help with a whole body healing for me, and so I went to her house and we meditated a bit and then she put her hot hands on and around me. I have had Reikki before, and I felt the rearrangement of energy just like I have in the past. I wish she wasn't leaving town next week....when she comes home, I would definitely do this again. It felt very healing on a lot of levels.

It's late and I'm tired. I wanted to take a moment to look over my day and be grateful for everything in my life. I haven't had to drink, or become homicidal, of suicidal. I haven't had to live under a bridge. I haven't had to leave my husband, or scream at my kids, or move in the middle of the night.

On the other hand, I did have a plumber here today to get ready for hooking up the water!!!!! I did get to go to a meeting. I did get to spend some quality time with people that I really care about today. I did get to "practice these principals in all my affairs." I did get to help someone else, so I don't feel all useless and shit. Someone called today, just to see how I was doing. I go0t to work in my garden, nurturing and caring for plants and vegetables and fruits and flowers.

Life is a banquet....Rosalind Russell once said....and most of you suckers are starving! Reach out today and grab as much of your life as you can hold. Love the people around you with all you've got. And don't forget to be good to yourself.

"You are a child of God...So ACT like it!"



  1. I read something that I had written my first time through the Big Book, it said "I act as if I'm obeying fear."

    That's a far cry from acting like I'm a child of God isn't it?

    I'm glad I see improvements in my life, and that I see God moving now, I do, however, still act as if I'm obeying fear in some things.

    Grabbing life is IMPERATIVE!!! Thanks for the encouragement.

    YAY PLUMBING!!!!!!

  2. You wrote, "Life is a banquet....Rosalind Russell once said....and most of you suckers are starving! Reach out today and grab as much of your life as you can hold."

    Well, I'm certainly not fact, I'm fairly bursting!!! :)


  3. It never crossed my mind to be thankful that water runs through a tap in my house. Today, I will be thankful for that.

  4. Yep, I'm a child, all right! Thank God, that I am a child of HIS!
    Peace....and WATER.

  5. Oh, I like this post.
    I love when I have enough perspective to say, "I get to...."
